Early Stage 1 Program - The Coast

Program overview
Your Kindergarten class will love this exploration of coastal life, as one of the special places in our world. The children will have fun exploring what makes The Coast a very special place to live and how we can all help to look after it. The children will also start to understand the basic needs of animals and how the different Coastal environments provide for them and for us.
There is also the option of a slight variation on the program, “Buddies”, as Year 6 students come along and help their little buddies with the fun tasks and activities.
Syllabus inquiry questions
- What do we notice about living things?
- What makes a place special?
- How can we look after places we live in?
Learning experiences
Coastal Environment Centre, Narrabeen Lagoon
Our experienced educators will introduce your students to the special Coastal Environment around Narrabeen Lagoon through a series of engaging hands-on activities.
- There is the interactive play titled’ Remi The Raindrop’. Students will join Remi, a tiny raindrop on its way to the ocean with a few challenges along the way.
- Bush art in our native garden, using clay to make native animals.
- Exploring inside The Coastal Environment Centre, with our interactive displays and micro eye for even closer inspections.
- Designing and creating beach art, using findings from beachcombing.
- And other optional activities like using binoculars to explore the living things around Narrabeen Lagoon.
Explore North Narrabeen Rock Platform
At low tide our educators will take the students on a guided tour of North Narrabeen rock platform as another example of a special coastal environment. In small groups with an adult helper (or their Buddy) they explore the wonderful plants and animals that make this place extraordinary.
Key syllabus outcomes
Science: Living World
A student:
- Develops solutions to an identified need Ste-2DP-T
- Explores the characteristics, needs, and uses of living things Ste-3LW-ST
Geography: Places
A student:
- Identifies places and develops an understanding of the importance of places to people GEe-1