The Long-nosed Bandicoot is a slender, medium-sized (30-40cm) marsupial with a long, pointed snout and pointed ears. It has course greyish fur and a white underbelly. A small colony at North Head, Manly is classified as an 'endangered population'.
Bandicoots are nocturnal animals and live in a wide range of habitats. They usually hide during the day in their nest which may consist of a hollow log or crevice or low-lying vegetation.
Bandicoots may want to use your garden as a sanctuary. You can encourage them into your garden, by providing habitat for them that contains a variety of native shrubs and ground covers and by keeping pets indoors at night. See Backyard Habitat for more information. They eat grubs, spiders, worms, fungi and garden pests, leaving small snout-shaped holes. This can be beneficial to gardens as it aerates the soil.
The North Head bandicoot population is now considered to be geographically restricted due to urban development and threats such as cats, dogs, foxes and vehicles.
This isolation from other Long-nosed Bandicoot populations means that the North Head population is at risk of extinction.