You may hear them before you see them! This aptly named bird is a common resident of gardens and parks around the Northern Beaches, and is known for its loud, high-pitched calls and boisterous behaviour.
Often confused for the introduced Common Myna, this Australian native honeyeater species is mostly grey and black with a bright yellow bill and eye markings.
The Noisy Miner naturally occurs in woodland habitats but has become much more widespread due to modern gardening trends including the growing popularity of large and nectar-rich native flowers such as Grevilleas and Callistemons. Noisy Miners can congregate in large packs to aggressively defend these food resources, sometimes causing smaller, more timid native bird species to be driven away.
You can help keep the balance in your garden by planting dense, low-growing and spiky plants to provide safe sheltering spots for small birds. Sticking with native plants that are local to your area (for example, the local Grevillea sericea instead of Grevillea ‘Robyn Gordon’ cultivar) can also help to maintain the bird biodiversity of your patch.