Planning agreements are a legal arrangement made between a person (developer) and planning authority/authorities (such as Council) to dedicate land, monetary contributions, or material public benefits for public purposes.
A Planning Agreement is voluntary and is at the instigation of the person (developer). These are additional arrangements to collect contributions that traditionally may or not be done under an adopted Development Contributions Plan.
If you are thinking of making an Offer to Enter into a Planning Agreement with Council, Pre-lodgement meetings are an avenue for proponents to receive preliminary advice on proposals. More information is available on the links below to help with your application.
Planning Agreements Policy 2022
Planning Agreement Offer Pre-Lodgement Meeting Request
Planning Agreement Offer Application
Executed Planning Agreements
The Planning Agreements Register and Planning Agreements Map identifies the Planning Agreements (VPAs) executed between Northern Beaches Council and the developer since 12 May 2016.
The Historical Planning Agreements Register lists agreements executed prior to Council amalgamation on 12 May 2016 by the former Manly and Warringah Councils.
- Legislative requirements - 7.4 Planning Agreements and Division 1A (Planning Agreements)
- The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s Planning Agreements Policy
- You can track the progress of an Offer to enter into a Planning Agreement, or an Executed Planning Agreement via the applications tracking page