
Young people doing young people stuff

Thursday, 19 January 2023

The young people of today will be the decision makers, innovators, and caretakers of our world tomorrow. We want to build a positive future for them on the Northern Beaches – and you can help.

Over 1,000 local young people told us their bright ideas, suggestions and solutions, and how they’re feeling right now to help us develop a 5-year action plan so we can make this future a reality. We’re asking for feedback so have a read and let us know if we’ve got it right.

Read more about what young people told us and what’s planned:

  1. Connection and resilience

“I feel like now more than ever there is a disconnect between kids and community. There is a divide between kids, support, community and services.”

“I would like to connect more at public spaces with other young people interested in drawing, writing and the environment.”

Find out what’s planned here.

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