All children must be enrolled in Hubworks! (HubHello) to book into Northern Beaches Council Vacation Care services. This enrolment process only needs to occur the first time the child uses a particular service. Once you enrol your child in HubHello you will receive an email with your logon ID and password for HubHello.
Bookings for our Vacation Care program will open in week six of the school term. All bookings are made using BookMe in the HubHello program. Full instructions on BookMe can be found on the Vacation Care page of Council’s website.
Northern Beaches Council’s Vacation Care services follow the Federal Government’s ‘enrolment priority of access’ guidelines. Priority of access will be given in the following order:
- A child at risk of serious abuse or neglect
- A child of a single parent who satisfies, or of parents who both satisfy the work/training/study test under section 14 of the Family Assistance Act.
- Any other child
All enrolments indicating that they are eligible for priority of access will be assessed in accordance with the Federal Government Priority of Access guidelines.
- Bookings can be made up to 24 hours prior to the commencement of the daily program (Monday-Friday) and are subject to resourcing and availability.
- Children must have completed their first term at primary school to attend Vacation Care unless they are attending our pre-school Vacation Care program during the January school holidays. In this case the child must be enrolled in Kindergarten of the same year.
- Council reserves the right to review bookings received through BookMe and to withdraw bookings where families have monies owing from previous holidays or where we are unable to meet the needs of all children booked in on a particular day within the resources available.
Fees & Payments
The Vacation Care daily fee is $100 - $130 per child.
Child Care Subsidy (CCS) will be applied to this fee for families who have completed their Activity Test via the myGov website, and then Confirmed their enrolment via myGov. Centrelink withhold 5% of all subsidy payments, which is reconciled with families at the end of the financial year.
Families must confirm the new Enrolment Notice for each holiday period in order for Centrelink to process their CCS. No CCS will be payable where children are absent on the first or last day of care booked for each holiday period. This applies to each service location individually. For example, you must attend your first and last day of care at Cromer Vacation Care and at Manly Vale Vacation Care if you have booked with both services.
Cancellation of a Vacation Care booking is required at least two weeks before the school holiday starts. There are no cancellations, refunds or credits within two weeks before the school holiday starts. If changes need to be made we may be able to transfer your child to another day or service, up to 7 days prior to the school holidays starting depending on availability. If your child cannot attend due to illness, please provide a medical certificate within 48 hours for your fees to be waived. Please be aware that you will not be eligible for CCS if your child does not attend their first or last day of care. This applies to each service location individually. For example, you must attend your first and last day of care at Cromer Vacation Care and at Manly Vale Vacation Care if you have booked with both services.
Activities advertised in the brochure will be dependent on advice from the Department of Education and Communities and Health NSW and are subject to change. Cancellation of a booking for a change in the program will not be accepted as the change is out of our control.
Late Pick Up Fee
Children who are collected after 6pm from the Vacation Care services will be charged a Late Pick-up Fee of $16.70 per 5 minutes, or part thereof.
Bookings are made online via HubHello Bookme. The total fees after CCS has been applied will be debited to the account or debit/credit card you have registered with HubHello iPay. Holiday payments are usually processed on the Wednesday of week two of each term. Please make sure that the account details you have nominated in iPay are correct and that there are enough funds to cover your Vacation Care fees to avoid the $3.40 failed transaction attempt fee, which will be charged to accounts for every failed transaction attempt in HubHello iPay. A late payment fee of $12.70 will be charged to accounts when they reach 28 days in arrears.
How can you help us with Infection Control?
As recommended by NSW Health we will advise families and staff not to attend the service if they are sick with influenza/cold-like symptoms, even if they are mild. If a staff member or child becomes ill while they are at the service, they will be asked to go home immediately.
Medical treatment consent
By booking my child into Northern Beaches Council’s Vacation Care program I give consent for the service to seek (i) medical treatment for my child from a registered medical practitioner, hospital or ambulance service (ii) transportation of the child by an ambulance service. I understand that I am responsible for any costs incurred.
In the event of an emergency, Northern Beaches Council will make all reasonable attempts to contact the enrolling parent, and any other emergency contact nominated. Should attempts to reach emergency contacts fail, parents are advised that under Clause 174 of the Children’s and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998, a medical practitioner or dentist is empowered to carry out treatment on my child in order to save his or her life or to prevent serious damage to his or her health.
This authority granted by legislation does not relieve a medical practitioner or registered dentist from liability in respect of the carrying out of medical or dental treatment on a child or young person, being a liability to which the medical practitioner or dentist would have been subject had the treatment been carried out without my consent.
General Consent
- By booking my child/ren into Northern Beaches Council’s Vacation Care program I hereby give consent for the child/ren booked into the Vacation Care program to attend the prescribed activities/ excursions on the days they have been booked in.
- I have read the Risk Assessments on Council’s website and the excursion/ in-service activities information contained in the School Holiday Activities brochure.
- By booking my child/ren into a bus excursion I hereby give consent for my child/ren to travel to and/or from the excursion by bus. I understand that when seatbelts are fitted on buses hired to transport children to excursions, children will be required to wear them, which will be monitored by staff.
- I understand that on some in-service (non-excursion) days, children may participate in local walks to the community garden or playground.
- I give permission for my child/ren to participate in fire, evacuation and lockdown exercises.
- I give permission for Northern Beaches Council Vacation Care staff to apply or direct my child to apply the centre’s sunscreen unless I provide my own sunscreen.
- I acknowledge that during my child/ren’s participation in the prescribed activities my child/ren will be exposed to the obvious risks associated with such activities.
- I indemnify Northern Beaches Council, it’s officers and agents and keep them indemnified against all claims, demands, actions and liabilities of any kind (other than due to wilful negligence) arising from my child/ren’s participation in the activity.
- I understand that there are no cancellations, refunds or credits within two weeks prior to the school holidays.
- I acknowledge that G and PG rated movies may be shown at the service or on excursions.
- I declare that the information I have provided in my HubHello enrolment is correct to the best of my knowledge.