Video text transcript
Swap for Good - Ruby Lane
00:00 Ok so thanks for that
00:02 We will pass over to Phil from Ruby Lane
00:04 who is going to talk to us a little bit about
00:08 Huskee and the Returnr system, I think
00:10 So Phil, when you're ready, I'm just going to unmute you
00:13 I'll mute myself and unmute you
00:23 Sorry there we go. All good. Thanks guys
00:28 Yeah super stoked to be a part of this
00:29 and to see so many people involved.
00:31 I'm Phil from Ruby Lane. We have a cafe in Manly and Mona Vale
00:36 So I'm just going to talk about Huskee,
00:38 the contactless pour and Returnr bowls.
00:41 With Huskee, I think a lot of us have seen them out there
00:46 for those that don't know, just quickly
00:50 its like made from coffee husk, which is a by-product
00:53 when processing coffee
00:55 And a company was set up by the guys from Pablo & Rusty's Roasters
01:01 who we use for our coffee.
01:03 to turn all that waste into a cup
01:06 which I think is a good added bonus to this system
01:09 that they are trying to create a closed loop
01:12 so they make the coffee, use some by-products
01:15 turn it into a cup. And even then
01:18 the next step they are looking at doing now is if your cup
01:20 gets damaged or reaches the end-of-life, which
01:22 hasn't been around long enough to really get to that stage yet,
01:25 they'll then take it back and put it back
01:29 into the process and return it into a new cup again.
01:33 So we love that and the staff really love that kind of ethos
01:35 And there is a tiny bit of plastic in them, just to make them
01:42 I guess, usable and design-friendly
01:45 another big part of this is that they are ergonomically designed
01:48 for the coffee drinker. And these are all the selling points
01:51 that us and the staff like to talk about because
01:54 its not just a cup or a jar
01:56 which you might just grab and bring in, its also
01:59 they look really good, they're practical
02:02 they don't get hot to hold. So as a barista when you're making a
02:05 tea or a long black, they don't get hot to hold when you hand them
02:09 over. Same as the customer when you're drinking them.
02:12 The lid goes on super easy
02:14 captures spillages and you can just really tell that it was
02:20 designed by a coffee roaster.
02:24 Other super cool thing with this is that it only costs about $6
02:27 which is pretty mind blowing for a BYO cup
02:30 $6 for a small and about $6.80 for a large
02:34 so if you do want to sell them in your cafe you can just add
02:39 a few dollars onto that and really encourage it.
02:41 So its a much lower barrier to enter that kind of market
02:47 I think this is whats so rare in the sustainable market
02:51 to have a product that is practical, trendy and sustainable
02:56 and its cheap, so I think that's why they've become such a good success
03:00 and so many selling points for your staff to talk about
03:03 and the idea, similar to Girdlers and Bacino with the Claycup
03:11 you get a big bank of them, you can stack them up
03:14 really easily next to the coffee machine so that,
03:17 a big barrier for a lot of baristas is that you're getting all of your orders
03:20 and you've got a Claycup, a KeepCup and a Frank Green cup
03:25 and you've got a this cup and they're all mix-matching
03:27 and you don't know which one it is that you want to use
03:30 but if you can get a lot of your customers using the same kind of cup
03:31 obviously its better, and faster to service
03:35 so these Huskee cups, they just stack up, you get a bit of a float,
03:38 they stack up next to the coffee machine really nicely,
03:40 the lids stack up really nicely as well.
03:42 Customer comes up to the counter, same as other systems,
03:47 They just say they want to use a Huskee Swap
03:49 Give you the dirty cup, we have a little basket near the till
03:52 they chuck it in there so we don't need to touch it
03:53 and then we just use one of our ones next to the machine
03:56 that's all been cleaned previously in the dishwasher
04:01 and give it back to them in their Huskee Swap
04:04 and it just keeps on going round
04:06 there's plenty of YouTube videos to watch on how that
04:09 whole system works and get a better idea of it
04:12 and the good thing with this is that you can use it
04:16 with ordering systems like HeyYou
04:18 or we've got our own one that you can go out and get
04:21 and just pre-order and say it's going to be in a Huskee Cup
04:23 and then we'll just make it. It's there ready
04:26 you turn up, ready to get your morning bus
04:28 and you just put your cup on the counter, swap it over
04:31 with ours and off you go.
04:34 So that's Huskee. That's the Huskee Swap system.
04:37 Contactless Pour, I think that's been pretty well covered
04:40 in that video. That's gone really well for us
04:43 and it's super simple, no fuss
04:47 no crazy big systems, its just
04:48 a square of tape on the counter
04:50 as you saw and you you just write on it, that's the
04:52 BYO cup drop zone
04:54 And it was a real talking point to, so that's just another
04:59 good bit of PR for your business to do something like that
05:03 and get people engaged because they haven't seen that
05:05 kind of thing around very much
05:08 Returnr bowls- sorry just conscious of time here
05:14 So this hasn't been see to much around
05:17 I'll just give a quick little run down
05:18 so we were brought into it by Deliveroo
05:20 and it kind of works like a Huskee Swap
05:25 but you do have to pay a monthly or annual fee
05:29 to be a part of it as a business
05:31 so it works out about $2 a day
05:33 so you want to be doing a few of them
05:37 everyday either through Deliveroo or as a take-away salad place
05:42 so when you order on Deliveroo you just say I want to have my salad made
05:49 in a Returnr bowl please, they pay and extra $6 as the customer
05:52 and then we'll make it in a Returnr bowl
05:55 that get's sent out to the customer in the Deliveroo bag in the Returnr bowl
06:00 and then whenever they want, they can come back to a participating
06:03 Return cafe and they get their $6 back
06:07 And just a note there that Deliveroo don't charge commission on the $6
06:14 so it just goes straight into the participating cafes account
06:18 and we've had a little bit of take up on that but I think we just need more people
06:24 up on those sort of systems, like with any of these
06:28 like you just need more and more cafes and restaurants participating in it
06:32 so that more people understand what it is
06:35 and then more people use it
06:37 and then it just keeps on going around
06:40 yep, thats about it, thank you
06:43 [Alice] Brilliant, thank you Phil, as a
06:48 consumer its great to know about Returnr
06:50 and to hear those costs and where they're going
06:53 Yeah I went into a cafe today and was asking
06:58 you know, how are things going after COVID and what advice
07:01 would you have to other
07:04 cafes who are looking to use similar processes
07:09 and they were saying that if they had any advice it would be
07:13 to make what you're doing visible
07:15 so that the customers can see
07:18 what steps you've taken so that
07:22 there is no confusion about what you are doing and why you are doing it
07:28 have you noticed that in Ruby Lane? I know that you've been
07:32 particularly, I'm asking because you've been particularly visible
07:35 in what you've done with the little square on the surface
07:39 for the drop zone and letting customers know
07:45 [Phil] Even just the little things like the Huskee
07:48 or whatever cup you want to use, its just right next
07:50 the till on a cute little stand or whatever you might do and people look at it
07:52 and pick it up and ask "oh what's this?" and you know
07:57 you're always looking for a little chat while you're waiting for your cappuccino
08:00 it's just good to have little prompts like that and props for sure
08:05 [Alice] Yeah great, great, cool and hopefully we can do the same
08:11 with Returnr as well and get that cranking around the Beaches
08:13 that would be fantastic seeing these containers
08:17 floating around the place a bit more.
08:19 Maybe we can go a little more into that and to some of the questions
08:24 that we weren't able to get to earlier
08:26 How does that sit with you Alicia
08:29 [Alicia] Sounds great, thanks
08:31 [Alice] Great, cool. So does anybody have
08:36 from our guest speakers this evening
08:40 Maybe, Phil you were just beginning to talk a little
08:43 bit about Returnr there. I'd love to hear from you a bit more about
08:48 when you got it and what it was like to set it up
08:53 what are some of the challenges perhaps that you've had with it
08:57 and how you've overcome them
09:00 [Phil] The set up was super easy
09:05 the guys there, we were dealing with Katie at Returnr
09:08 really supportive, giving a bit of signage and
09:11 material for social media launch and that kind of thing
09:13 and the response initially was really positive
09:17 we were using Uber Eats and then we thought oh we'll start doing Deliveroo
09:22 because they've got Returnr and people
09:25 were stoked about it. And then like a lot of things
09:27 it sort of goes up and then tapers off a little bit
09:30 and tapers off more and you have to keep on reminding people
09:34 to keep on doing it and using it
09:37 its the regulars that you really want to target there as well
09:42 I know we've got a lot of school teachers from Stella around the corner
09:45 that will come in daily to get coffee and they were the easy ones with the
09:50 coffee cups and now the next thing is to go onto the lunches
09:53 It's another new thing. People are used to bringing their
09:57 BYO cup now, so now its, just making bring you own lunch container
10:02 a new thing. And it's not going to happen in
10:05 you know a few months, but you've just got to
10:06 keep on talking about it
10:09 [Alice] That's so true, I think any behaviour change
10:10 I do a bit of work in behaviour change and there's a
10:15 formula that might be helpful for people to know
10:18 For any behaviour change its B = MAT
10:22 so B = MAT. And so for that behaviour to stick
10:27 you need the Motivation to do it
10:29 so what motivates you? Usually that's tapping into
10:32 the values, peoples values for doing it
10:35 or seeing, you know, wanting to keep a nice clean beach
10:39 The Ability, so how easy can you make it to do the thing
10:45 and a Trigger, which is a prompt or a visual cue to remind them
10:48 So I always think of that, if we can
10:51 think about those things, you're thinking of it
10:54 you've obviously got it in place with Huskee
10:57 really beautifully, you've got the motivation
11:00 you've got a beautiful cup. And you know,
11:02 single-use coffee cups are really not cool anymore
11:06 you've got the ability, you've made it easy for both
11:09 your consumers and your staff to do it
11:12 And there's the trigger, the visual prompt there as you said
11:15 on your counter top, so it would be awesome to think about how
11:19 we might be able to put some of those things in place there
11:23 for Returnr bowls too