By dropping off your items, you are making a big difference to ensure that they don't end up in landfill.

What happens to your items

New or quality pre-loved clothing and accessories for adults

For close to 160 years, the St Vincent de Paul Society has been assisting people experiencing poverty and disadvantage in the community. Through a strong network of more than 13,000 members and volunteers giving tirelessly of their time throughout the state, and with more than 100 professional services, Vinnies NSW has programs to support people experiencing a range of challenging circumstances from homelessness and domestic violence to financial stress; refugees and asylum seekers; mental health, rehabilitation and addiction; drought and natural disasters. 

A major part of Vinnies’ work is to support people who are at risk or experiencing homelessness. Vinnies operates numerous homeless services across NSW which support people in a variety of ways including meals programs; crisis accommodation; access to medical treatments; case management support; education and training with the ultimate goal of helping them to rebuild their lives and find a safe and permanent home. 

“If you are in a position to donate to the Clothing Drive, you will be able to make a big difference to the lives of community members in need of support.”  said Jack de Groot, Vinnies NSW CEO.    

For more information, visit

Essential items for babies and children

Dandelion Support Network is a grassroots charity that accepts, sorts and safety checks donations of new and used essential nursery equipment and children’s items from the community.  Partnering with over 300 support agencies and hospitals, Dandelion rehomes these items to families in need from the Greater Sydney and Illawarra areas, free-of-charge. 

For more information, please visit

Bikes, Scooters and E-Bikes

Revolve ReCYCLING aims to be the primary platform in Australia to help riders, bike shops and other retailers, PTV fleet operators, importers and others give new life to old rides. 

They provide a range of services from collecting to repairing, re-deploying, and selling bikes. They promote bike equity which includes giving kids bikes to kids who have no access to bikes. They also assist bike shops and bike fleet operators with waste minimisation services and offer bike service training and tune-up events in partnership with a range of councils.  

In doing so they provide employment opportunities for people from disadvantaged backgrounds. For them, it’s part of being a more sustainable and kinder community. 

For more information, please visit

Selected electronic items

Fliptech is an ITAD (IT Asset Disposition) company which is addressing the massive e-waste issue which Australia faces. Security and sustainability is the way forward for the world of tech, so we operate to decommission, recycle and reuse your e-waste, allowing items to have a second life or be remanufactured into new goods.  For more information, please visit


Excess cardboard will be transported to Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre, where the cardboard is aggregated on behalf of Council. The paper/cardboard is then transported to Visy (another Australian company) in Sydney’s western suburbs, for sorting and sending to paper mills to produce packaging, cardboard boxes and other paper products such as recycled paper towels and toilet paper.

Small metal items

Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre sends the small metal items to Sell and Parker Metal Recycling Services. The items are then shredded and smelted back into raw steel to be remanufactured into steel products.

Plastic plant pots

PP5 plastic plant pots, punnets and plant labels are recycled and made into new plant pots and other useful horticultural products.  For more information, please visit PP5 website and Garden City Plastics website.

Raw timber, flat pack furniture and raw pallets

Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre sends the eligible timber collected to reDirect Recycling who blend it with other raw materials and process it back into new particleboard sheets to be used in kitchen cabinets and other joinery at their facility in Oberon. Find out more.

Sydney Library of Things

Why buy when you can borrow?  

The Sydney Library of Things is a not-for-profit service that provides the local community with access to a collection of extremely useful but only occasionally used items that can be loaned out for a short period of time.

Borrowing tools saves money, resources, space & waste. It helps build resilient & sustainable communities and strengthens community connections. Research shows that people who contribute & borrow from a tool library express a sense of belonging in the broader community.

The Sydney Library of Things is membership based and offers annual, 6 months or quarterly memberships, with the fees going to maintain the library, tools, insurance and building the collection. Anyone over 18 is welcome to join and you only pay to join not to borrow items!


Help support the ‘Library of Things’ on the Northern Beaches and donate any of the items in the accepted items list.

For more information please visit the Sydney Library of Things webpage or contact