Talking to a counsellor about your problems can be incredibly helpful. The Council provides a free service for adolescents and families living on the Northern Beaches.
If you’re having a difficult time and would like to talk to a trained counsellor, email the Northern Beaches Youth & Family Counselling Service.
About Northern Beaches Youth and Family Counselling Service
If you are aged between 12 and 18 years and you and your family live on the Northern Beaches, the Northern Beaches Youth & Family Counselling Service can help you. The counsellors provide a flexible service, tailored to meet your needs. The service provides a safe, confidential and friendly space to explore the things that you think are important.
Adolescent and Family Counsellors are available to work in partnership with you to explore issues and concerns that are important to you. A Counsellor will work with you to decide if it would be more helpful to meet with you on your own, with your parents (on their own) or with you and your parents together.
Areas of help
Professional and qualified Counsellors can help you with family relationships, school or work, mental health, drug and alcohol issues, violence, sexual identity and a wide range of other issues. Counselling is offered through individual counselling, family counselling, group work programs, information and referrals to other agencies if needed.
Make contact
Call the Northern Beaches Youth & Family Counselling Service on 02 8495 5013 or send an email to the AFC@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
Additional links
The websites below can also help and provide you with other counselling contacts.
- Beyond Blue provides information and resources on depression.
- SANE is committed to improving the wellbeing of Australians seriously affected by mental illness.
- Reach Out is a comprehensive and interactive internet site for young people.
- Headspace is the national youth mental health foundation.
Helpful phone numbers
If you need to speak to somebody immediately, call:
- Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800
- Lifeline 13 11 14