Commercial activities on outdoor spaces

Northern Beaches Council supports a range of commercial activities on our open spaces, such activities contribute to our local economy and our community’s health, wellbeing and connectiveness. Under the Local Government Act (1993), all use of Council’s parks, sportsgrounds and beaches that is of a commercial nature requires approval. 

Some common commercial activities in our open spaces include:

Anyone wishing to use public land to run a regular business requires an annual permit from Council to operate, not having a permit may result in Council undertaking enforcement action.

All other one-off or non-regular activities such as commercial events, markets, filming and promotional activations do not require an annual commerical operator permit but still require approval from Council. To submit a one-off commerical event enquiry visit our Online Booking Portal 

Fees for running a business

There are no fees on application. Your application will be assessed and if approved an invoice will be issued with the relevant fees.

The fees for running a business on Council land are based on the impact the commercial activities may have on the venue, other users and the surrounding area including residents. The fee category applied will be based on the number of hours and days you are operating, what venue you are using and how many people will be on site. 

The commercial operator permit is issued annually from 1 August to 31 July and the fees are either for the whole year or applied monthly initially to align you to the annual process.  

How to apply to run a business

Each request is assessed on a case-by-case basis and there is no guarantee that your application will be approved.  It is recommended that you apply at least 8 weeks before you intend to start your business, this allows time for processing and for Council to discuss any changes to your application. The assessment process can take quite some time as the commercial use must be consistent with the relevant planning documents and legislation (such as Plans of Management).

Before applying please note:

  • An approved booking is for a maximum of 12 months. 
  • Certificate of Currency for public liability insurance to the value of $20 million (minimum) is required.
  • Your request will be reviewed in terms of the venue suitability, date availability, community safety and other identified risks and impacts to the venue, area, and community.
  • The assessment also involves the development of customised terms and conditions of use and the determination of the appropriate fees and charges.

Click below to make a booking request online for your commercial activity.

Contact information

Open Space Bookings Team