As part of the 30th Ocean Festival, we invited new, emerging and established underwater photographers to enter our annual UNDERWATER! Photo Competition.
The competition featured amazing images of underwater life at the five Aquatic Reserves on the Northern Beaches.
More than 225 images were submitted this year, twice the number of entries from last year.
The competition’s judges included:
- Ben Rak, Curator Manly Art Gallery & Museum
- Bill Gladstone, a marine biologist and Emeritus Professor at the University of Technology Sydney
- Harriet Spark, a producer and photographer who specialises in underwater video production.
Overall winner

Talia Greis, Torpedo
Aquatic Reserve: Cabbage Tree Bay
Photographer's statement – "A giant cuttlefish jets through the shallows of Shelly Beach. A slow shutter speed has been used to achieve a sense of motion, and an almost 'cartoonish' colour code."
Underwater Seascapes (wide angle)

Sian Liddy, 42 Wallaby Way
Aquatic Reserve: Cabbage Tree Bay
Photographer's statement – "A magical winter's morning on the great southern reef with Paddy."
Marine Animal Behaviour

Chris Jackson, Expensive taste
Aquatic Reserve: Cabbage Tree Bay
Photographer's statement – "A back light cavern at golden hour provides an almost romantic, candlelit setting for this giant cuttlefish to enjoy a delicious lobster dinner."

Highly Commended
Pete McGee, Organised chaos
Aquatic Reserve: Cabbage Tree Bay
Photographer's statement – "Juvenile striped catfish huddle together in large synchronisited balls. Hundreds of catfish can form large, tight balls. It's mesmorising watching individuals in constant motion, aware of each other and staying as a tight formation, Regularly a fish panics and breaks ranks, causing temporarly chaos. I wanted to capture the motion of the school as order returns."
Macro Marine Life

Zachary Hudson, Pyjamas
Aquatic Reserve: North Harbour (Sydney)
Photographer's statement – "This is a small pyjama squid sleekily eyeing the camera. It seems like it is telling me 'please leave me alone, I'm ready for bed'."

Highly Commended
Samuel Scrimshaw, Iris
Aquatic Reserve: North Harbour (Sydney)
Photographer's statement – "One of the many gloomy octopus that call Fairlight home."
Human Connection

Lauren Elder, Jellyfish Kisses
Aquatic Reserve: Cabbage Tree Bay
Photographer's statement – "Not everyone loves when Cabbage Tree Bay is visited by jellyfish, but I love them! It's like swimming through soft clouds."

Highly Commended
Joseph Dempsey Turrentine, Hooked
Aquatic Reserve: Cabbage Tree Bay
Photographer's statement – "This photo of a grey nurse carrying the remains of a fishing encounter reminded me that while some interactions between humans and the natural environment may seem ephemeral, the impacts of those interactions may persist."
Faces from our Five Aquatic Reserves

Talia Greis, Torpedo
Aquatic Reserve: Cabbage Tree Bay
Photographer's statement – "A giant cuttlefish jets through the shallows of Shelly Beach. A slow shutter speed has been used to achieve a sense of motion, and an almost 'cartoonish' colour code."

Highly Commended
Nicolas Remy, Teeth of the Port Jackson Shark
Aquatic Reserve: Cabbage Tree Bay
Photographer's statement – "The face of Port Jackson sharks sets them apart from other shark species. They have large nostrils, and a narrow range of pointed teeth, complemented by a range of flat teeth at the back, which allow the shark to hold and crush the shells of molluscs, on which they feed."

Jay Christopher, Dragons
Aquatic Reserve: Cabbage Tree Bay
Photographer's statement – "Weedy Seadragons are masters of disguise. By using slow shutter speed and motion blur, it separates them from the kelp and you can enjoy their patterns and colours."

Highly Commended
Jack Fegan, Dancing sea slug
Aquatic Reserve: Long Reef
Photographer's statement – "I love the variety of life that is found in rock pools. It is often the smaller animals that are overlooked that can be the most exciting find. This little fellah looked like something that was dreamed up for a science fiction story."
People's Choice

Alana Abercrombie, Taking a Breath
Aquatic Reserve: Cabbage Tree Bay
Photographer's statement – "Our resident turtle takes a breath on a beautiful summer day."
Meet the Locals - Marine Life (Reel)
Rosie Richards, Another world
Videographer's statement – "Highlights of my favourite marine life encounters of Cabbage Tree Bay, including a smack of jellyfish, a green sea turtle, the king of the cuttlefish, a baby port jackson shark, a juvenile grey nurse shark and a friendly blue grouper."
Highly Commended
Lachlan Peknice, Underwater Wonderland
Videographer's statement – "Underwater Wonderland’ highlights the captivating realm beneath the waves at our stunning Cabbage Tree Bay Aquatic Reserve. By showcasing the harmonious coexistence of surfers, swimmers and marine creatures, my goal is to inspire a deeper connection to our oceans and encourage its protection for generations to come."