Betty Morrison Reserve was named in memory of the lady who bequeathed the land. Betty Morrison is located at Bungan Beach. This urban bushland area provides habitat for many plant and animal species that would otherwise disappear from urban areas. The reserve is subject to coastal processes that are continually reshaping the beach system including beach and bluff erosion.
Betty Morrison Reserve (incorporating Bungan Beach and Headland Reserves) is located on the south-eastern extremity of the Barrenjoey Peninsula. The beach is 600m long, running in a south east direction between Bungan Headland to the north and Mona Vale Headland to the south. A single bar runs the length of the beach with two strong rips against the rocks at either end and two or three shifting rips along the beach. Rock platforms at the northern and southern end of Bungan Beach are Intertidal Protected Areas (IPA’s).
Three broad vegetation types are described and mapped for Bungan Beach and Bungan Head Reserve:
- Coastal Scrub
- Cliff-Face Open-Heath
- Coastal Closed-Heath
Fauna habitats in the area include Coastal Scrub, Beach and Rock Platforms which provide a range of habitat resources for native fauna.
The range of reptiles and small birds (e.g. Yellow-faced Whip Snake and Eastern Whipbird), indicates the reserves’ importance for providing habitat to species which are scarce or missing from residential areas.
Significant animals which have been sited in the reserves include:
- Perameles nasuta (Long-nosed Bandicoot)
- Falco perigrinus (Peregrine Falcon)
- Ninox strenua (Powerful Owl)
Wildlife Protection Area
Dogs must be on a leash at all times in this reserve and cats are not allowed here at any time. Find out more