Red Hill Reserve is a large bushland rocky ridge extending between Middle Creek to the west and north and South Creek to the east.
The reserve contains Sydney Coastal Heaths and Sydney Coastal Dry Sclerophyll Forests with the dominant canopy species, Eucalyptus haematoma and Banksia serrata. The mid story supports a range of diverse flora Banksia ericifolia, leptospermum spp and Angophora hispida. The stand of Bloodwood-Scribbly Gum Woodland in the reserve supports a population of the listed Vulnerable species Tetratheca glandulosa and the rare species, Lomandra brevis.
Red Hill reserve is a part of a regional wildlife corridor containing core habitat for local native fauna including swamp wallabies, Eastern Pygmy Possum, long-nose bandicoots and ring tail possums. This reserve provides an important stepping stone for many native animals moving through the wildlife corridor between Golden Grove Reserve and Garigal National Park.
This site is unique with a diverse array of both Aboriginal and European heritage. Aboriginal heritage is regionally significant, as there are many Aboriginal sites recorded in the area.
Wildlife Protection Area
Dogs must be on a leash at all times in this reserve and cats are not allowed here at any time. Find out more