Sunday, 6 April 2025 - 09:00 am to 01:00 pm
Sunday, 4 May 2025 - 09:00 am to 01:00 pm

The market is now on the first Sunday of the month March to December.

Come along and enjoy Bags to Riches Second Hand Market Day.  

It's a great family day out! Come and grab a bargain, find a treasure while you enjoy live music from young local musicians.

Help avoid single use plastic and bring your own reusable water bottle.

Buyers do not need to book.


Stallholders sell second hand goods such as clothes, toys, household items, sporting equipment etc. from a suitcase, container, small table, low clothes rack or rug (no marquees). 

This event is not for the purpose of business/commercial traders, items must be second hand or recycled, except for the odd item that was never used.

  • Regular section - 21 years +
  • Youth section - 12 to 20yrs

This market has special conditions to encourage Youth Stallholders aged 12-20 to participate. 

Youth stallholders tickets will be refunded after the event (those who successfully participate). 

Youth vendors may also sell handmade goods as well as second hand goods.

Terms and conditions for stallholders

Stallholders agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the event.

Please note stallholders must be residents of Northern Beaches.

Stallholder bookings 

Stall space: $17.10 + 50c booking fee (bookings open Friday 28 February for 6 April market and 7 April for 4 May market)


We love to support local talent! We are seeking interest from music groups. bands, buskers and performers who would like to entertain shoppers at our second-hand markets. Please contact the Waste Education team on to register your interest.

More information

Please contact Waste Education 8495 6219 or


Walter Gors Park Howard Avenue

Dee Why NSW 2099