The Northern Beaches is an area of diverse, dynamic and thriving businesses.Non-residential emissions account for 37% of the Northern Beaches community carbon emissions.

The Sustainability Business Network brings together businesses looking to connect and learn from each other. We want to develop a network that supports significant sustainability improvements and shares knowledge and experiences.

Council has produced a series of resources including a 'Toolkit', which set out the steps towards net zero. The guides not only provide information on general environment sustainability goals but also seeks to provide emission reduction opportunities for businesses too.

The toolkit has been designed to enable your business to begin and expand your sustainability journey, reduce your carbon footprint and achieve sustainability targets.

We cover specific areas of high-energy, waste, water and resource use. They include solar, LED Lighting, water reduction, waste minimisation, building and office operation and purchasing.

Council has also developed an interactive map. The map acts as a directory to search for like minded businesses, share best practice, discuss ideas and learn how other businesses make changes to improve sustainability. 


If you need any assistance along the journey, please email us



Towards Net Zero Toolkit

Follow the steps and use the tools in this toolkit to achieve sustainability goals in a manner and pace that...


Business Events & SBN Map

Join the network to share best practice, discuss ideas and learn how other businesses make changes to improve sustainability towards net zero.


Case studies

These local businesses are kicking goals in their sustainability journey. Read how they implemented ideas and taking steps towards becoming...


How-to Guides

The first step in self-assessment, these guides cover specific areas of high-energy, waste, water and resource use.


Self-assessment checklists

The checklists provide a means to self-assess what stage your business is at in terms of environmental sustainability initiatives.


Incentives and Other resources

Need more assistance on your sustainability journey. Here are some resources from community, Council and NSW Government to get you...


Northern Beaches Renewables Power Purchasing Agreement for Northern Beaches Businesses

We’re supporting local businesses by helping to facilitate a group of buyers from the Northern Beaches business community to secure...
