If you are in immediate danger, call 000 or 112 (mobile). Emergency services will come to you.
Deciding whether to report a sexual assault to Police
It is up to you whether you report a sexual assault to Police or not.
It is important to understand that:
• there are options available to you
• talking to Police doesn’t mean that they have to go ahead and investigate
• even if you start a Police process, you can change your mind later.
The NSW Police Force website has detailed information on how they can help you and what is involved in reporting sexual assault.
Police can explain all options to you and if you decide to formally report the assault they will take your statement.
Police can organise extra support, medical care and counselling for victims.
To report to Police (non-emergency)
- Go to your local Police station as soon as possible after the assault or
- Call your local Police station direct or via 131444 and ask to speak to the Duty Officer to make an appointment.
Police will explain all options to you.
If you decide to make a formal report Police will take your statement.
After a report is made to Police, what happens next is up to you - you can decide whether you want any further action taken or not.
A victim can change their mind later and decide not to have the matter investigated.
There are no time limitations on reporting sexual assault to the NSW Police Force.
You can contact Northern Beaches Police 24 hours a day at:
Reporting suspected child sexual abuse
If you think a child is being sexually abused, you can report your concerns to the Child Protection Helpline
Call 13 21 11
For information on how to report and what happens next:
Report to Police online
There is another option for reporting sexual assault called a SARO (Sexual Assault Reporting Option).
Sexual assault that is reported via SARO will not be formally investigated.
This is an online form where vital information on the assault is provided to Police.
The form can be submitted anonymously.
Choosing not to report
There are a lot of reasons why victims / survivors of sexual assault may not want to report the incident to Police.
Whether you choose to report or not, it is strongly recommended that all victims of sexual assault contact specialist services for information, support and counselling.
These services are free, discreet, confidential and offer important support to victims / survivors.
Your health and wellbeing is important – take steps to get support.
Find out more information on specialist support services.