Our vision and values underpin and drive everything we do and every decision we make. Holding to an ideal of connectedness, inclusion and preservation, these underlying principals protect our futures and the future of this unique and beautiful place we call home.
Our vision for Northern Beaches
Vision Northern Beaches - a safe, diverse, inclusive and connected community that lives in balance with our extraordinary coastal and bushland environment.
Our vision for serving our community
We want to add value, to earn your trust and respect, by delivering the highest quality service through, leadership, integrity and collaboration. We all want to preserve our unique habitat, our culture, our sense of place. As our community grows and develops, together, we’ll protect all that makes it so special for future generations.
Our values
Trust - because being open brings out our best
Teamwork - because working together delivers
Respect - because valuing everyone is how we make a difference
Integrity - because we are proud of doing what we say
Service - because we care as custodians for the community
Leadership - because everyone has a leading role
CSP 2040 Northern Beaches Community Strategic Plan
Our Community Strategic Plan (CSP) is the roadmap for the future of the Northern Beaches. It defines our community’s vision and sets a direction for everything we must do over the next twenty years to make the vision a reality.