Committees advise Council on numerous strategic areas including cross agency partnerships dealing with bush fires to flood plans.
Former Council's information may be provided on request via information access.
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
The Northern Beaches Council Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) has been established to promote good corporate governance at Northern Beaches Council (Council).
Good corporate governance supports Council’s vision of delivering the highest quality service valued and trusted by the community, in an effective and efficient manner.
The objective of the ARIC is to provide independent assurance and assistance to the Council on risk management, controls, governance, organisational performance and improvement and external accountability responsibilities.
Minutes of the ARIC meetings are presented to Council as part of the Council Meeting Agenda following their confirmation by the ARIC at its subsequent meeting.
Community Safety Advisory Committee
This committee meets four times per year to provide guidance to Council on crime prevention and community safety issues impacting the Northern Beaches. For more information refer to the Committee Terms of Reference.
The Community Safety Advisory Committee monitors the implementation of the Community Safety Plan and informs its development.
Council also seeks the guidance of this Committee on issues relating to the development of Council strategies and services aimed at enhancing and improving community safety.
Local Emergency Management Committee
Northern Beaches Council is part of the Northern Beaches Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) which provides the roles of planning, preparing, responding to and the recovery from emergencies as described in the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989.
The Northern Beaches Council’s Local Emergency Management Officer represents Council on this committee along with all response agencies and supporting organisations.
Manly Warringah War Memorial State Park Advisory Committee
The Manly Warringah War Memorial State Park Advisory Committee role involves providing advice to Council about the strategic management and planning for the ecological health and sustainable recreational use of the State Park (Manly Dam).
Membership of the Committee includes representatives from Council, NSW Crown Lands and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service). There are also three community members, representing environment, recreation and rate payers/community.
Manly Dam Plan of Management (2014)(Opens in a new window)
Committee's Terms of Reference (May 2022)(Opens in a new window)
Narrabeen Lagoon State Park Advisory Committee
The Narrabeen Lagoon State Park Advisory Committee acts in an advisory role to the Narrabeen Lagoon State Park Trust (NLSPT) which is managed by Northern Beaches Council.
Membership of the Committee includes representatives from Council, NSW Crown Lands, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (National Parks), NSW Dept Primary Industries (Fisheries) and the Metropolitan Aboriginal Land Council. There are also four community members, representing environment, recreation, business and the general community.
We are seeking to appoint a new community member to the Narrabeen Lagoon State Park Advisory Committee (the Committee), in the role of Ratepayer/Community representative. Nominate now
Northern Beaches Bush Fire Management Committee
The Northern Beaches Bush Fire Management Committee (BFMC) provides a forum for cooperative and coordinated bush fire management in the Northern Beaches local area.
BFMCs are responsible for preparing, coordinating, reviewing and monitoring the Plan of Operations and Bush Fire Risk Management Plan for their area.
They assist in the coordination of bush fire detection, mitigation, control and suppression.
A range of stakeholders sit on BFMCs in order to ensure the whole community has a say on bush fire management activities. They include landholders, land managers, fire authorities and community organisations.
Northern Beaches Business & Industry Stakeholder Committee
The Northern Beaches Business & Industry Stakeholder Committee provides a high-level industry forum to understand changing economic and business needs and opportunities across the Northern Beaches.
The Committee monitors delivery of the five-year action plans within both the Northern Beaches Economic Development Strategy ‘Business on the Beaches’ and Destination Management Plan ‘Destination Northern Beaches: Creating a Sustainable Visitor Economy’.
The Committee provides input at a strategic level on:
- Changing local economic conditions and business confidence
- Emerging industry trends and opportunities
- Business programs and relevant grant funding opportunities
- Progress towards meeting targets and measures in the Economic Development Strategy and Destination Management Plan
Northern Beaches Council Local Traffic Committee
Northern Beaches Council undertakes some aspects of traffic management on local roads such as the implementation of parking restrictions, traffic control devices and cycling facilities.
Council does not have the authority to introduce a restriction on the movement of traffic without the approval of the State Government. For example, Council needs approval to instigate a one way street, close a road, impose a load limit or prohibit a turn at an intersection.
Council must consider the advice of the Northern Beaches Council Local Traffic Committee when making a decision on traffic management issues. The Northern Beaches Council Local Traffic Committee is a technical advisory committee which provides a recommendation to Council for adoption.
The Committee consists of voting representatives from Council, Roads and Maritime Services, State Member of Parliament and NSW Police. Non voting specialists are invited to provide advice on specific matters. Regular attendees include representatives from the State Transit Authority (Sydney Buses) and Forest Coach Lines. A community cycling representative attends the Committee in an advisory capacity.
The Traffic Committee usually meets on the first Tuesday of the month except January. Under the RMS guidelines for the operation of Local Traffic Committees, the meeting is not open to the public. If your issue has been listed in the Traffic Committee’s agenda, you are welcome to call us to discuss the possibility of addressing the Traffic Committee prior to the members considering the matter.
Any request for traffic facilities should be submitted in writing to the Council and will be reviewed by the Transport Network team.
Former Council's meeting agendas and minutes may be provided on request via information access.
Northern Beaches Flood Management Committee
The Northern Beaches Flood Management Committee provides advice on matters concerning the development, implementation, and review of floodplain risk management projects.
The Committee provides a forum for discussions between Council, the community, interest groups and government authorities on technical, social, economic, environmental and cultural issues throughout the various stages of the floodplain risk management process.
See the Committee's Terms of Reference for more information.
Property Steering Committee
The Northern Beaches Council Property Steering Committee has been established to oversee governance and implementation of the Property Management Framework.
The objective of the Committee is to review and approve the annual Property Action Plan put and to provide recommendations on other key property matters put forward to the committee for its consideration.
Voting membership of the Committee is set out in the Property Management Framework and includes:
- The Mayor
- Two nominated Councillors
- Chair of the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee
- An independent property specialist