Councillor Vincent De Luca OAM BA LLB Grad Dip Legal Prac, grew up on the Northern Beaches, is a Solicitor of the Supreme Court of NSW and has worked extensively in youth welfare, and in the prevention of domestic violence, suicide and drug and alcohol addiction. He has served as a Councillor since 2008 and is Council's longest serving.
Extensively involved in an array of welfare and charity organisations:
Delegate - National Peoples’ Convention, Youth Suicide Prevention 1997
Delegate - National Convention on Suicide Prevention Conference 2014 to present
Former Executive Member - National Peoples’ Council on Drug Prevention - High on Hope
Attended the National Cities Against Drugs Summit
Co-founded GAPS youth suicide prevention and support association
Served the Curl Curl Youth and Community Centre for over 20 years and President for over a decade.
Former President, Friends of Warringah Residents’ Group against over-development.
Volunteer Fundraiser White Ribbon Foundation for stopping violence against women, the Australian Gynaecological Cancer Foundation and Cure the Future Foundation for stem cell research.
Founded the annual fundraiser in 2007 for the Elimination of Violence Against women, where three country refuges and one city refuge are annual beneficiaries.
Also extensively involved in sport.
0427 218 553
Inauguration speech 2024
It is interesting that in 1999, when I first stood as an idealistic 21-year-old, the "Manly Daily" thought fit to publish that a veteran of 21 years I was standing against. That election was indeed an interesting election, because it resulted both in the termination and sacking of the council, but also during which time, I was diagnosed with cancer and given six weeks to live.
Fast forward all these decades later, I'm now the veteran Councillor. And even though there are people who are older than me on council, I find it quite funny that now I'm described as the veteran. I realise the great honour done to me to again be elected to this council and I do not take that lightly. As Bob who was number two on my ticket, we are now the only independent Councillors on council who are not members of a political party. We will serve with integrity. We will serve the needs and interests of the community, and we'll serve with our hearts.
The Northern Beaches is, I think, probably one of the finest council areas in our nation. We do have significant problems and we can come together to help address those problems. We have a huge level of domestic violence, youth suicide, as well as drug and alcohol addiction, and we are seeing an increase in gang violence on the Northern Beaches. So, whatever we can do as a council to ensure that those issues are addressed and the people most in need are cared for is essential. And we do have the ability to do that if we work as one.
Several motions were passed before the last state election, calling on the state government to restore money for Mona Vale Hospital at Mona Vale Road, I should say, and Northern Beaches Hospital, which has suffered significant funding cuts, and we need to do something and we need to keep on that issue. We are also facing the issue of the state government's proposal to increase our development targets, but also increase height, bulk, and scale of development. Now at the election, in my ward of Narrabeen, that was the major issue. People live here for a reason. They do not want to see high rise proliferate across the Northern Beaches. They want the environment protected and they want to keep the Northern Beaches as much as we can like it is, and we simply don't have the infrastructure to cope with existing development, let alone high rise and increased development.
Northern Beaches Council, I must say, has improved significantly under the leadership of Scott Phillips. Councillors are happy, staff are happy. We have never seen such success amongst the organisation and such an ability to work with the community. Scott has actively gone out into our community, be it with surf clubs, community groups, charities, and that's made a huge difference to the culture of the organisation. So, I sincerely thank him.
We need to be an inclusive council. As I said before, in relation to all those who are in parties and what Councillor Beaugeard said, we all need to vote on conscious and vote in accordance with what we truly believe, not along party lines, because while ever that happens, there will be resentment from the community and we do not wish to see the dysfunction that has occurred at previous councils. Under Sue's leadership, we do have a better culture in the chamber. It's no longer aggression from the chair, and we must ensure that the fairness keeps up. I have great hopes for this council.
Now, while some have already announced bets on how long it'll take before there's issues, I don't think with the leadership of Scott that we will have issues. And we must use the experience to encourage people like Ethan and Bonnie, who I was their age all those decades ago to actually shine. And at the end of the day, we must always listen to our community, respond to our community, and act selflessly in their interests. With that, we cannot go wrong. So, thank you.