Open to young people aged 12 - 24 years old, the Northern Beaches Council Youth Advisory Group (YAG) provides a youth led way for local young people to shape the future of the Beaches.

The group is made up of representatives from each of the five wards across the Local Government Area. YAG works with Council staff and local organisations to identify the needs and aspirations of young people across the Northern Beaches, and work on several projects to address them.

Commitment to the program includes monthly meetings with additional training and volunteering opportunities available. As well as gaining valuable life and employment skills, participants also have the chance to make new friends and access Council youth events and programs for free.

Our current YAG commenced their two-year term in February 2024. The group is made up of 25 young people between the ages of 12 and 20. There is representation from 10 high schools and two universities, as well as members who are engaged in self-employment and part-time work. 45% of the current group are returning members from a previous term.

Applications for the next YAG term will open in the second-half of 2025.

There are occasional opportunities for mid-year intakes. If you have a keen interest in becoming part of YAG, please email us at in a new window) with more information about yourself and your interest.

Read the YAG Terms of Reference (PDF)(Opens in a new window) for more details.