Most plastic pollution comes from littering or overflowing bins, trucks and events, eventually becoming ‘accidental litter’. When it rains, litter goes down the drain, through stormwater pipes and out to sea. Over a long period of time, this plastic pollution breaks into smaller pieces (it never breaks down) and eventually becomes micro plastic, which pollutes our oceans and kills marine life.
Did you know?
- An estimated 420 million plastic bottles enter Australia’s marine environment every year
- Australians use an estimated 1 billion disposable coffee cups each year, 90% of which end up in landfill
Council has been a strong advocate for reducing single use plastics at a local level through the implementation of Council's two new policies in 2017:
- Single Use Plastics Policy - This policy encourages responsible procurement and consumption practices within Council and the community.
- Waste Minimisation for Functions and Events Policy - This policy requires event organisers to reduce their waste, promote sustainable procurement and increase recycling at public events held on Council property. The Policy and Guidelines ban event organisers selling or distributing single-use plastics, balloons, bottled water and single serve sachets.