Who can use Meals on Wheels?
Meals on Wheels supports an independent and social lifestyle for seniors. We provide tasty and nutritious home-delivered meals for residents aged over 65 or those aged over 50 years and who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.
Anyone can contact our service and you don’t need to be referred. You might need us when:
- You or someone you care for has left hospital or does not feel well
- You can’t get to the shops
- You’re a carer or relative who needs a rest and you want to make sure the person you look after is eating healthy meals
- Any other time you feel you can’t cook a meal for yourself, your partner or someone you care for
We deliver to the following suburbs: Manly, Manly Vale, Queenscliff, North Manly, Freshwater, Fairlight, Balgowlah, Balgowlah Heights, North Balgowlah, Clontarf, Seaforth, Curl Curl, North Curl Curl
If you live in any other suburb of the Northern Beaches, The Village Chef by Meals on Wheels will provide Meals on Wheels to your area.
To refer someone, complete the client referral form.
What’s on the menu?
- A great selection of hot, chilled or frozen meals
- A wide selection of salads and sandwiches
- Frozen meals can be purchased at our Manly centre Monday to Friday, 8am - 4pm
Every effort is made to keep meals as affordable as possible. We accept cash, cheque or credit card.
Contact us
For the latest menus and prices, please call 8495 5010 or email mow@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
Our office hours: 8am - 4pm, Monday to Friday
Other services
Manly Seniors Community Lunch
If you haven’t been out for a while and would like to sit down to a tasty and nutritious meal, why not try the Manly Seniors Community Lunch?
The lunch is on a Friday, located at the Manly Senior Citizens Centre, 275 Pittwater rd, Manly (on the roundabout opposite Harris Farm).
Bookings are essential on 8495 5010. Limited bus transport is available
Our friendly Meals on Wheels delivery driver volunteers do a ‘safe and well’ check with every delivery. All volunteers carry identification and have passed a National Police Check.
Interested in Volunteering as a Delivery Driver? Delivery Driver Volunteer position description