We look after hundreds of sportsfields on the Northern Beaches and to ensure their playability and condition over the long term, some may be closed from time to time.
Does Council seek ideas from users about how we manage fields?
Our Parks team meets quarterly with the Manly Warringah Pittwater Sporting Union and local Sports Associations about how to manage our fields. This is part of an ongoing relationship designed to improve field access for all.
How does Council decide which fields are open and closed?
Decisions are based on inspections, weather conditions and field characteristics. Our staff members inspect fields to determine which are kept open and which are closed. If fields are closed, follow up inspections continue until all are opened.
Is there any way some sports can play on closed fields?
Council may give lower impact sports discretion to play on wet fields. Lower impact sports include; athletics, baseball, cricket, netball, softball. Higher impact sports include; AFL, hockey, oz-tag, rugby league & union, soccer and touch.
When are field inspections conducted?
During the week, inspections are conducted in the morning and afternoon, if needed. On the weekends, the fields will be inspected in the mornings and the field status updated by 7am as required.
Why can’t sports groups decide whether a field is open?
Council is best placed to inspect fields because: Council is responsible for managing risks associated with use of open space including ensuring fields are safe. Council will consider the impact of closures equitably. Council has the technical expertise to assess wet fields. Council can communicate in a timely way with all users.
Why close fields when it rains?
Playing on fields that are wet causes major damage that can force fields to be closed for long periods of time. Closing wet fields prevents this damage and ensures that fields can be used more over the long term. Wet and damaged fields also present safety issues for some sports.