Policies have been adopted by Council to set out the general approach to all of our operations, activities and services.
You’ll find our full list of policies here - grouped under the Community Strategic Plan outcomes. There is a brief description of what each policy relates to and has a link providing more detail.
Vibrant Local Economy
A-Frame Signage and Merchandise
Outdoor Dining and Footpath Merchandise Policy
This policy aims to support a vibrant streetscape that is safe and welcoming, attracting tourists and locals to visit, enjoy and return. The appropriate placement and regulation of outdoor dining furniture and display of footpath merchandise that ensures safe and equitable access to the footpath can be achieved whilst supporting local businesses.
Public Places - Trading Policy
Waste Minimisation for Functions and Events
Housing, Places and Spaces
Affordable Housing Policy
The purpose of this policy is to outline Council’s position and approach to the provision of affordable housing in the Northern Beaches.
Animal Management Policy
Beach Management Policy
Community Rental Subsidy Policy
Compliance and Enforcement Policy
Council-related Development Applications Policy
This policy aims to manage potential conflicts of interest and increase transparency at all stages of the development process for council-related development.
Dog Management Policy
Foreshores Right of Way
Management of Beach and Water Safety Policy
Naming our Reserves, Roads and Facilities Policy
Northern Beaches Council aims to provide a consistent and transparent process for naming Council owned and managed reserves, facilities and roads.
This policy endorses Council’s adherence to the Geographical Names Board (GNB) Place Naming Policy and process for the naming of reserves, facilities and roads.
It aims to provide further guidance and criteria to apply the GNB Place Naming Policy when for assessing and approving naming requests from the community.
Public Space Vision and Design Guidelines
The Northern Beaches Public Space Vision and Design Guidelines are to be used as a guide for the evaluation, planning and design of streets and open spaces and public / private interfaces.
The Guidelines seek to retain and enhance the Northern Beaches unique landscape character whilst providing additional environmental, social and health outcomes within its centres and neighbourhoods through the introduction of best practice street design and appropriate material selection.
Tennis Facilities Management
Voluntary Planning Agreements
Adopted by Northern Beaches Council - 28 June 2022
Good Governance
Appointment of Committee Members Policy
Asset Management Policy
This Policy sets guidelines for implementing consistent asset management processes to existing and new assets throughout the Northern Beaches Council. The application of these principles will ensure our assets continue to provide the appropriate level of service to meet the community’s needs and expectations in a sustainable manner.
Code of Conduct Policy
The Northern Beaches Council adopted the Northern Beaches Council Code of Conduct and the Procedures for the Administration of the Code of Conduct at the Ordinary Meeting of 26 July 2022. This code is prescribed by regulation and sets out the minimum requirements of conduct that must be observed by Council Officials including committee members, staff, delegates, contractors and consultants in carrying out their functions for Council.
Code of Meeting Practice
This code is prescribed by regulation and sets out the minimum requirements of conduct that must be observed by Council officials including committee members, staff, delegates, contractors and consultants in carrying out their functions for Council.
Complaints Management Policy
Council Property - Leases Policy
Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy
The aim of the Policy is to facilitate a positive working relationship between councillors, as the community’s elected representatives, and staff, who are employed to administer the operations of the Council. The Policy provides direction on interactions between councillors and staff to assist both parties in carrying out their day-to-day duties professionally, ethically and respectfully.
Councillor Expenses & Facilities Policy
Policy for payment and reimbursement of expenses incurred by, and the provision of facilities to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors.
Councillor Induction and Professional Development Policy
Northern Beaches Council is committed to developing an induction and ongoing professional development program for the Mayor and Councillors to ensure they can fulfil their statutory roles and responsibilities.
Councillor Use of Social Media Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for Councillors about the personal and professional use of social media. Social media is an important communication, engagement and customer service channel which can encourage dialogue between Councillors and the community.
This policy intends to assist Councillors to use social media in a way that minimises exposure of both Councillors and Council to legal risk. In particular, it outlines guidance for Councillors with regards to confidentiality, governance, privacy, record keeping and other legal and regulatory risks when using social media.
Data Breach Determination
Disposal of Council Land
Enterprise Risk Management Policy
Fraud and Corruption Control Policy
Northern Beaches Council is committed to maintaining trust and building advocacy with the community and stakeholders through a robust and vigilant fraud and corruption prevention approach. This Policy and Plan outlines Council’s zero-tolerance position on any fraudulent or corrupt behaviour and establishes a framework to prevent fraud and corruption, proactively monitor, maintain and build awareness of its fraud and corruption prevention controls and strategies.
Investment Policy
The objectives of this policy are to provide a framework for the investing of Council's funds at the most favourable return available to it at the time whilst having due consideration of risk and security for that investment type and ensuring that Council’s liquidity requirements are being met.
Legislative Compliance Policy
To provide assurance and build the capacity of Northern Beaches Council to meet its key compliance obligations, promote a compliance culture and uphold good corporate governance practices.
Managing Unreasonable Conduct by a Complainant Policy
Pensioners’ Rates & Annual Charges Concession Policy
To provide a framework for the administration of concessions provided by Council to eligible pensioners on rates and annual charges and clear principles and guidelines for the granting of those concessions ensuring the requirements of Local Government Act 1993 (“Act”) and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (“Regulations”) are satisfied.
Adopted by Northern Beaches Council 15 October 2024
Policy framework
Privacy Policy
Procurement and Contracts Policy
Property Acquisition and Disposal - Negotiation on Purchase Price Policy
Property Management
Public Interest Disclosures
The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 establishes a system to encourage people who work in the public sector to report serious wrongdoing without fear of reprisal, such as adverse treatment, intimidation or being sued for defamation. A report of wrongdoing made under the provisions of the PID Act is known as a Public Interest Disclosure (PID).
Public Reserves - Resumption for Public Utilities
Rates and Annual Charges Hardship Policy
The provision of assistance to those ratepayers who are experiencing genuine financial hardship with the payment of their Rates and Annual Charges. A key objective is to work with ratepayers to achieve flexible alternatives to legal action where possible.
Adopted by Northern Beaches Council - 15 October 2024
Work Health and Safety
The Northern Beaches Council’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) Policy outlines Council’s commitment to providing a healthy and safe environment for all workers including volunteers, contractors, students and visitors.
Environmental Sustainability
Asbestos Management Policy
To ensure the health, safety & wellbeing of the Northern Beaches community, staff and workers within the local government area with respect to asbestos containing material. This policy focuses on eliminating or minimising the exposure when working with asbestos (including storage, transport and disposal) in accordance with SafeWork NSW requirements. Adopted by Northern Beaches Council on 23 March 2020.
Carbon Neutral
Community Gardens Policy
This policy outlines Council’s support for community gardens throughout the Northern Beaches. It aims to ensure a consistent, equitable and transparent approach to the planning, establishment, management and operation of community gardens.
Adopted by Northern Beaches Council on 18 Feb 2025
Environmental Sustainability Policy
Financial Assistance for Charitable or Not for Profit Community Organisations for Waste Disposal at Kimbriki
Scotland Island Emergency Water Pipeline and Non-Potable Water Supply Policy
Single Use Plastics
Council to take a leadership role in the elimination of Single Use Plastic, advocating for legislative change, and influencing and enabling responsible consumption practices.
Street Tree Planting Policy
Tree Preservation Policy
Urban Forest
Transport, Technology and Connectivity
Beach Parking Permits Policy
This policy relates to the allocation of annual Beach Parking Permits which allow free parking in designated Council operated Pay and Display reserve carparks.
Common Vehicular Access Policy
Encroachments/Constructions & Road Reserve Lease Policy
Road Reserve Management Policy
Shared Transport Policy
To provide wide ranging Shared Transport systems that integrate effectively within the Northern Beaches Local Government Area (LGA) minimising disturbance and safety hazards to the public now or into the future.
Adopted 23 July 2019
Surplus Road Reserve Disposal Policy
Protection of the Environment
Bush Fire Management Policy
This Policy sets out Council’s approach to effective bush fire risk management and location based bush fire management throughout the Northern Beaches Local Government Area (LGA) in order to protect life and reduce the negative impact of bush fire on property, infrastructure and the environment.
This Policy is to be read in conjunction with the Council’s Bushland and Biodiversity Policy.
Adopted by Northern Beaches Council on 23 February 2021.
Bushland and Biodiversity Policy
Council aims to protect, enhance and restore local bushland and biodiversity and the unique value they have on the Northern Beaches.
Adopted by Northern Beaches Council on 23 February 2021.
Climate Change Policy
Coastal Erosion Policy
This policy guides Northern Beaches Council’s approach to the protection of public and private property from coastal hazards identified in the certified Coastal Zone Management Plan for Collaroy-Narrabeen Beach and Fishermans Beach.
Geotechnical Risk Management
Seawall Construction Policy
Water Management for Development Policy
This policy supports Councils commitment to protecting and enhancing the aquatic and terrestrial natural environment while ensuring protection of public and property across the Northern Beaches.
The application of these principles, and corresponding planning controls, will deliver effective integrated management of stormwater, rainwater, groundwater and wastewater
Community and Belonging
Child Safe Policy and Code of Conduct
The Child Safe Policy provides a set of overarching practices aligned to the Child Safe Standards that demonstrates Council’s commitment to child safety.
Adopted by Northern Beaches Council - 18 Feb 2025
Children's Services
Community Centres Policy
Northern Beaches Council Community Centres are safe, welcoming, inclusive, accessible and affordable public spaces for the whole community. They are vibrant modern facilities that support and enable programs that provide diverse opportunities for a rich social and cultural life, encouraging good health, social interaction, creativity and learning.
Council will manage and maintain community facilities that are responsive to community priorities and support community organisations through the provision of facilities at a subsidised rate, if and when available.
As public trustee and guardian of public and community assets Council will provide access for all members of the community. Council will actively pursue innovative ways to maximise the use of public and community assets. (Community Development & Services Policy, adopted 25 May 2019)
Council will provide an equitable and transparent framework for the management of Council’s network of community centres. The operational management model will be flexible and adaptable to the changing needs of the community.
Adopted by Northern Beaches Council 23 March 2021
Cultural Collections Management and Gifts Policy
Adopted by Northern Beaches Council - 15 June 2021
Cultural Policy
Adopted by Northern Beaches Council - 28 November 2023
Gambling Harm Minimisation
Glen Street Theatre Complimentary Tickets Policy
Northern Beaches Council is committed to supporting the arts and creative communities through the management of a professional performing arts venue. Glen Street Theatre is an integral part of the Northern Beaches cultural fabric and a high profile example of Council building strong relationships with the community and providing cultural leadership.
The strategic, discretionary use of complimentary tickets is a tool to facilitate the governance, promotion, revenue generation, staff training, customer service and community engagement outcomes that underpin Council’s investment in Glen Street Theatre.
Indigenous Reconciliation Policy
Moveable Heritage Management Policy
Adopted by Northern Beaches Council - 28 May 2019
Plaques and Memorials Policy
Public Art Policy
Social Sustainability Policy
Northern Beaches Council acts principally as a facilitator and enabler of social sustainability in order to build the capacity and resilience of the community to achieve individual and collective wellbeing. Community development activities are carried out in collaboration with individuals and service providers, including community groups, charitable organisations, government and non-government agencies and neighbouring Councils.
Adopted by Northern Beaches Council - 24 August 2021
Partnership and Participation
Communications Policy
This policy provides an understanding of the different communication channels Northern Beaches Council use, their intended purpose and the roles and responsibilities of staff in accessing and using them to ensure all communications are well coordinated, effectively managed and responsive to the diverse information needs of the community.
Community Engagement Policy
The policy and strategy outline the approach to community engagement conducted by Northern Beaches Council as part of Council’s decision making processes.
Community Service Awards Policy
Council recognises that the community is enhanced through the endeavours of its residents and volunteers who work to improve the lives of others and make the Northern Beaches a better place to live.
Council’s Community Service Awards recognise the outstanding contributions by publicly acknowledging and thanking them in a spirit of community pride.