
You can help us save paper by electing to receive your rates instalment notices by email. You will still get your main rates notice and resident parking stickers in the mail.

New owners will need to wait until they receive their first yearly rates notice or a subsequent instalment notice in their name before they can register to receive an eNotice.

Note re junk/spam email

Our contracted printers will send emails from noreply@enotices.com.au (notices, registration and password resets).

Please accept emails from these addresses and add to your safe senders list.

Upon registration for electronic rates notices you acknowledge and agree that: 

  1. you are the property owner or person responsible for paying the nominated rates notice and must notify Council of any changes in this regard;
  2. you will primarily receive your rates notices through email however, paper notices will be issued by post as required by Council; 
  3. it is your responsibility to receive and open emails containing electronic rates notices; 
  4. by use of this facility you agree that the rates notice will be deemed to have been delivered, presented, received and viewed by you once it has been delivered to your email address and your rates notice is payable by the due date specified in the rates notice; 
  5. it is your responsibility to ensure that your contact details including email address and postal address are correct and up to date; and
  6. to the maximum extent permitted by law, Northern Beaches Council will not be liable in any way for any loss or damage suffered by you through use of or access to the service, including any failure of the service or any delivery error.

These terms of use may be modified at any time by Council and you agree to continue to be bound by the terms of use as modified on its website. Council will not separately notify you of these changes.