
Rates payments

Please see Pay Your Rates for more information.

Application payments

Online payments are accepted for Development Application lodgement fees, including most Modifications and Reviews, and Subdivision Certificate charges.

We accept debit or credit card - American Express, Visa and Mastercard.

You will need your Application Number - eg: DA2021/0000

Venue bookings payments

Payments for booking locations or community centres can be made online via:

  • the link on your invoice 
  • through BPay internet or phone banking.

Other invoices

Customers with an account with Council for other services can pay other tax invoices online.

You will need your invoice and reference number.

Payment can also be made through BPay with your bank using the biller code and reference number on your invoice.

Other payments

To make a payment for other services or applications currently not available online:

  • visit one of our Customer Service Centres to apply and pay over the counter
  • cheque payments are accepted via post, please allow extra time for this option *

* Council can only accept cheques issued by participating banks and financial institutions that currently offer cheque services.  Please ensure your bank or financial institute currently offers cheque services before making payment or you may be charged a dishonour fee.
View the current listing of participating banks and financial institutions here.

Post to:  Northern Beaches Council, PO Box 82, Manly NSW 1655

Please note, all credit / debit card payments attract a 0.5% surcharge.

Contact information

If you need assistance, please contact Customer Service on 1300 434 434.