Sydney Water have numerous programs to increase water efficiency and cut utility costs in the community, including local businesses and residential strata-managed buildings.
Check out the relevant 'WaterFix' program to get financial support on water savings:

Saving water for business
- Large scale water users could receive a free desktop assessment of their site through Sydney Water's WaterFix© Commercial program. Call 1800 354 107 8am–5:30pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays) or email waterfixcommercial@sydneywater.com.au.
- Large scale water users are also eligible for water efficiency grants to cover water audits and/or implementing actions identified. For more information go to Sydney Water's water efficiency grants page.
- Leaks and inefficient processes could be costing your business thousands of $$ each year. You can request a free real-time data logger from Sydney Water to detect water usage, which may be caused by a hidden leak.
- If your business relies on using water outdoors it's important to understand your responsibilities.
Apply for your data logger subsidy
Sydney Water’s online monitoring program subsidises data loggers for eligible businesses. Go greener and take control of water use. Email them at onlinemonitoring@sydneywater.com.au

Saving water for strata
- Fixing leaks in individual apartments can add up to a lot of water and cost savings for an entire apartment block. A leaking toilet can waste over 16,000 litres of water a year! Replacing an old single-flush toilet with a 4-star toilet (3.5L flush) will save 50kL and $148 each year on water bills. If you're running a residential property, those numbers can add up significantly.
- Sydney Water offers WaterFix for Strata service to reduce water use and utilities costs for residential apartment buildings. The service includes the repair and replacement of leaking taps and toilets with an accurate quotation process and financing options that mean strata won’t need to find any additional funds.
- Learn more about Sydney Water's WaterFix© Strata program.
- Greywater reuse for strata could save money in water bills by recycling water for garden use. Read more about greywater.
Apply for your free desktop assessment
As a strata manager or committee member you can help minimise the levies and water bills in your strata building. Call Sydney Water on 1800354 107 8am- 5:30pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

Saving water for home
- Save water in your home and you will also reduce your utility bill. There are lots of inexpensive ways to cut your water usage without you even noticing. A standard water efficient showerhead can save you around 10 litres of water a minute and save the average home $60 a year in water and energy costs.
- You can get reduced call out fees for water leaks and subsides for installing water efficient measures in your home, all through Sydney Water's WaterFix© Residential program
- Reusing greywater can significantly reduce household water bills and is an effective way to increase water efficiency around your home. Read more about greywater.
- Head to the Sydney Water website to find out more simple things you can do around your home and garden every day to use water more efficiently.
- See sec. 7 on Water Conservation in the Water Management for Development Policy for more information on water conservation in development.
Request a WaterFix residential appointment
Request online 24/7, or call on 1800 807 475 7:30am – 5pm Monday to Friday (except public holidays)
Useful links
- Water saving tips for businesses - Sydney Water
- Water saving tips for residents - Sydney Water
- WaterLive (real time water data) - Water NSW
- Charge Ahead Program - Northern Beaches Council