More than 85% of Sydney’s water supply relies on rain. Although it may be raining on the coast, droughts are caused by dam catchments not receiving enough water.
However for the Northern Beaches and Greater Sydney, water restrictions have been eased to new Water Wise Guidelines.
It is important to continue to save water and practice water wise behaviours.
The cost of water
The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) has set new charges for water use in Sydney. If dam levels are above 60%, water will cost $2.35/kL, but if they fall below that level, the prices will increase to $3.18/kL. There are also changes to fixed service charges.
This another good reason to do whatever you can to save water when restrictions are in place. Visit Sydney Water to find out more about your water use charges.
Water restrictions
The NSW Government water restrictions have eased from level 1 to Water Wise Guidelines.
Under the new Water Wise Guidelines, you can use drinking water to:
- water lawns and gardens before 10am and after 4pm using a hand-held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle, sprinklers or standard watering systems
- water new turf and gardens at any time for up to 28 days
- water lawns and gardens with drip irrigation systems or 'smart watering systems' at any time
- top up pools and spas to replace water lost through evaporation
- fill new or renovated pools and spas
- wash vehicles with a hand-held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle or high-pressure cleaning equipment
- clean buildings (including windows, walls and gutters) with a hand-held hose fitted with a trigger nozzle or high-pressure cleaning equipment
- clean concrete and paved areas for health, safety, emergency or surface contamination reasons, and for construction activities
- suppress dust or assist with cutting, drilling or tunnelling
- cool people and animals.
You can't:
- allow water to run off onto hard surfaces
- leave taps and hoses running unattended
- allow pools or spas to overflow when being filled.
- clean hard surfaces such as paths, driveways and paved areas as part of general cleaning.
Learn more about how they apply to you.
Saving water
Water is a precious resource that we can all help conserve. Save water by increasing water efficiency in your home or business and you will see real money savings on your water and energy bills. You will also slow the rate of decline in our dams.
Every bit of water we save minimises the effect of drought and water shortages - together we can make a big difference.
See Sydney Water's water saving tips to find out what you could do now to save water around your home and business.
Contact information
Useful links
- Report a leak - Sydney Water
- Where does your water come from? - Sydney Water
- Water efficiency tips - Department of the Environment and Energy
- Water saving tips for businesses - Sydney Water
- Water saving tips for residents - Sydney Water
- WaterLive (real time water data) - Water NSW
- Charge Ahead Program - Northern Beaches Council