Budget 2024/25: supporting our community, economy and environment to be strong and resilient
Our budget for 2024/25 focuses on resilience and sustainability, prioritising the projects and services that support and strengthen our community and environment.
Overall, $524 million will be invested including $99 million on capital works, with two thirds of the budget allocated to parks, recreation, cultural facilities, roads, and transport.
Council's activities and projects are outlined in our annual Delivery Program and Operational Plan.
For every $100 in our $524 million budget, we're investing...

upgrading local infrastructure

managing waste & cleansing

maintaining buildings & aquatic centres

community & library services

parks, recreation & Lifeguards

managing roads & transport

environment & climate change

planning, development & compliance

Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre

NSW Government levies & street lighting

events, engagement & economic development

ensuring good governance
Budget spending areas
Upgrading local infrastructure
- Town centres and villages
- Buildings, amenities, surf clubs and wharves
- Parks, playgrounds, sports facilities, walking trails, aquatic centres and rockpools
- Roads, carparks, footpaths and cycleways
- Stormwater, coastal protection, and efficiency in energy, water and waste
- Arts, creative and library spaces
- Better accessibility, safety and public wiFi
Managing waste and cleaning
- Domestic waste management service
- Minimising total waste, problem waste and single use plastics
- Clean public places, streets, beaches and graffiti
Maintaining buildings and aquatic centres
- Surf clubs, PCYC, aquatic and recreational centres
- Managing Council and community buildings
- Tourism assets at Currawong and North Narrabeen
- Cemeteries
Delivering community and library services
- Community and youth development programs, centres and grants
- Arts programs, and creative and performance spaces
- Manly Art Gallery and Museum
- Childcare centres, vacation care and family day care
- Libraries and programs, online and home services
Providing parks, recreation and Lifeguards
- Sportsfields, courts and open spaces, sports club buildings and grants
- Brookvale Oval
- Facilities including golf courses and skate parks
- Parks, gardens and playgrounds
- Trails for walking and mountain biking
- Beach Lifeguards and rockpools
- Street trees and tree permits
Managing roads and transport
- Local roads, traffic, bus stops and parking areas
- Wharves, jetties and tidal pools
- New footpaths, cycleways and bike facilities
- Transport planning and road safety education
Protecting the environment and climate change
- Bushland, biodiversity and fire risks
- Catchments, stormwater, floodplains, lagoons and coast
- Sustainability programs, events and education
- Climate change adaptation and mitigation
Planning, development and compliance
- Safeguarding public health, safety, parking and environment from risks and overuse
- Planning for land use, housing, strategic centres and places
- Town planning to protect environment and heritage
- Assessing development applications
Kimbriki Resource Recovery Centre
- Waste management and recycling
- Education via EcoHouse and Garden
- Buy Back Centre
NSW Government levies & street lighting
- Emergency Services Levy
- Waste Levy
- Planning Levy
- Valuation fees
- Street lighting
Providing events, engagement and economic development
- Events, festivals and citizenship
- Community engagement and communications
- Placemaking and place activation
- Economic development and business support
- Attracting visitors for sustainable tourism
Ensuring good governance
- Good governance
- Integrity and complaints
- Support Mayor, Councillors, committees and reference groups
- Prepare for Local Government election 2024
- Business assurance