If you are experiencing an emergency...
Call Triple Zero (000) for Police, Fire, Ambulance in an emergency. For general information view the contact list to call emergency services.
Get Ready
Are you ready? Being prepared can save lives and help you and your family make better decisions when disaster strikes. Check off the simple steps to get ready.
After you've checked your risks below, visit the understanding our local threats and resources webpages for a range of tools designed to help you prepare your plan. Even if your property is not subject to any risks, having a plan is still important for when the unexpected happens.
Council has also developed the Northern Beaches Emergency Dashboard that serves as a single source of information, bringing together data and notifications from all relevant agencies and emergency services. Rather than visiting numerous websites or apps, you can now access local, real-time information via the Emergency Dashboard, including weather warnings, Hazards Near Me incidents, road closures, utility outages and rainfall and lagoon gauge data. Residents, businesses and community groups can also find a range of useful resources to help them prepare and recover from natural disasters.
Know your risks
Enter the address to check what risks your property would be exposed to in extreme weather conditions including bush fire, flood and coastal erosion.