To report an emergency
In case of life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000) for Police, Fire or Ambulance. If you have a speech or hearing impairment, call 106.
Local emergency contacts
In case of any life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000)
Northern Beaches Local Area Command
General information: 9971 3399
Cnr St David Ave & Fisher Rd, Dee Why 2099
Manly Police Station
General information: 9976 8099
4–10 Sydney Rd, Manly 2095
Frenchs Forest Police Station
General information: 9452 9599
137-139 Frenchs Forest Rd West, Frenchs Forest 2086
Mona Vale Police Station
General information: 9998 0699
1705-1707 Pittwater Rd, Mona Vale 2103
Northern Beaches RFS
General information: 9450 3000
Gate 4,Thompson Dv (Off Kamber Rd), Terrey Hills, 2084
Manly SES
NSW SES: 132 500
General information: 9949 7466
Warringah/Pittwater SES
NSW SES: 132 500
General information: 9486 3399
Northern Beaches Hospital
General information: 9105 5000 or 0427 088 526
105 Frenchs Forest Rd West, Frenchs Forest 2086
Mona Vale Urgent Care Centre
General information: 9998 0258
Coronation St, Mona Vale 2103
Northside Veterinary Specialists
24 hour emergency: 9452 2933
335 Mona Vale Rd, Terrey Hills 2084
Reporting non-urgent crimes
- Police Assistance Line (PAL) 131 444
Call the PAL to report incidents that would not be considered emergencies, such as:
- break, enter and steal
- motor vehicle theft
- stealing from a motor vehicle
- stealing
- malicious damage
- minor motor vehicle collisions
- lost property
Public utilities emergency numbers
Water and sewerage
Sydney Water: 13 20 90
Ausgrid: 13 13 88
Telstra: 132 200
Optus: 1800 500 002
Council’s role in an emergency
Although Council is not emergency combat agency, we have an important role in emergency management within our Local Government Area (LGA). Council through the Local Emergency Management Officer provides support to the lead response agencies (eg, Police, RFS and SES) for the prevention of, preparation for, response to and recovery from emergencies impacting on our community.
For minor emergencies such as blocked public drains, damage to local roads and fallen trees within Council's parks and reserves, please contact us on: 1300 434 434.
Northern Beaches Local Emergency Management Plan (EMPLAN)
The Northern Beaches EMPLAN (March 2021) was developed by the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) which includes members of the emergency services and support agencies including Council.
The EMPLAN aims to:
- clearly define roles and responsibilities of responders and community partners
- demonstrate a level of preparedness by the LEMC
- inform disaster management responses at region and State levels
- detail how support will be co-ordinated to a combat agency and affected communities
- provide a flexible set of arrangements that can be used a cross reference by LEMC
- ensure compliance with the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989
NSW Reconstruction Authority
Find more information on NSW Reconstruction Authority (formerly Resilience NSW) and the NSW EMPLAN. Their website also provides a range of information resources as well as emergency preparedness and response apps.