We need your help to keep hazardous waste out of the environment. Please dispose of hazardous waste safely – you might be surprised how much can be recycled.
A to Z guide to recycling, reuse and disposal
Find out how you can dispose of just about anything in the A to Z Guide to Recycling, Reuse and Disposal.
The list includes paint, cooking oil, gas bottles, pool and hobby chemicals, fluorescent light bulbs, batteries, old medicines, syringes, X-rays and many other items.
Chemical CleanOuts - household chemicals
Chemical CleanOut events are held at various times of the year on the Northern Beaches. They are great opportunities to keep hazardous household chemicals that could harm you or the environment out of landfill.
At our Sept 2024 weekend event, 1696 households brought around 51,249kg of chemicals.
Our next scheduled event will be 28-29 June 2025 at Mona Vale Beach carpark.
Find out what you can take to a Chemical CleanOut and storing and transporting unwanted chemicals safely.
Household batteries
Batteries contain toxic elements like nickel, cadmium, alkalis, mercury, nickel metal hydride and lead acid that can leak into the environment, so please don’t put them in regular garbage.
Batteries can be recycled, visit A to Z guide for drop off points near you. Please note that we are ceasing our battery collection at Council Customer Centres from 16 July 2023.
Mobile phones
You’re never going to use that outdated mobile again, so recycle it. Take it along to a Mobile Muster drop-off location.
Unwanted or out-of-date medicines
Old medicines have the potential to pollute our waterways and cause poisoning. If you have any sitting at home, take them with you next time you go to a pharmacy. Find out more from the Return Unwanted Medicines Group.
Syringes and other sharps
Please don’t put sharps (anything that could puncture the skin), in recycling or garbage bins.
Secure them in a strong puncture resistant container (e.g. Australian Standard Sharps container) and take them to an authorised NSW Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) Outlet.
Find out more on sharps disposal options on the NSW Health website.
Residents – you can drop off your x-rays loosely (no envelopes/bags) in our x-ray bins at our Customer Service Offices in Dee Why, Manly and Mona Vale or the libraries at Warringah Mall, Glen Street and Forestville.
Commercial companies – Contact CMA Ecocycle Australia on 1300 32 62 92
X-rays are recycled in Victoria. The silver is extracted through electrolysis and is used in many processes and products. The backing film is made from a plastic similar to plastics in soft drink bottles. The plastic is recycled into products such as shampoo bottles and polyester fleeces.
Read about what hazardous materials to keep out of your household bins.