Planning on attending a KALOF event? Read on for answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
What does KALOF mean?
Are KALOF events accessible?
We are committed to providing safe spaces for Northern Beaches young people (12-24 years old) and are always trying to make our events inclusive and accessible. If you have specific requirements please don’t hesitate to contact us at youth@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
Can I bring or purchase alcohol at any events?
All of our events are drug and alcohol free with no exception. Any alcohol found at KALOF events will be confiscated by security or staff and you may be asked to leave the event.
Can I bring cigarettes or vapes/e-cigarettes to any events?
No. Please do not bring cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vapes (or similar) to any KALOF events as all events are drug and alcohol free. If found they will be confiscated by security or staff.
Can I leave the band night and come back?
No. Our band nights and music events are strictly no pass outs meaning if you decide to leave the event, you cannot return.
Will I be searched by security upon entry to KALOF band nights and music events?
Yes. Security are present at all band nights and music events, and reserve the right to search you upon entry.
Will there be photos or video taken at KALOF events?
Usually, yes. We like to capture the good times and most of our events will have a photographer on site taking photos and videos. If you do not want to be photographed, please advise a staff member at the event.
We do not photograph our support groups.
Can I volunteer at events?
Generally we only have capacity for volunteer photographers at some of our events. Other volunteer opportunities are provided to our Youth Advisory Group (YAG) members. If you are interested in volunteering as a photographer, or want to learn more about the YAG please email youth@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
What is the refund policy for paid events?
Our refund policy may differ depending on the event. Please contact us at youth@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au for information about refunds for the specific event you are interested in attending.
Can I stage dive, crowd surf or fight dance at KALOF events?
No. Stage diving, crowd surfing, fight dancing and other antisocial behaviour will not be tolerated and you will be asked to leave the event.
Will there be strobes, flashing lights, smoke machines or other special effects in use at KALOF events?
Yes. Some KALOF events incorporate use of special effects such as strobe lights and smoke machines. If this is an issue for you please contact the youth services team at youth@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
Can I sponsor a KALOF event?
Some KALOF events involve a variety of sponsors. Please contact the team at youth@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au if you are interested in sponsoring an event.
Are there certain items I cannot bring to KALOF events?
Prohibited items include:
- Alcohol – any alcohol brought into events will be confiscated.
- Knives, weapons or explosives of any kind (including potential missiles).
- Illegal/unidentifiable substances, drugs & legal/herbal highs
- Flares, fireworks, sparklers, explosives or any fire twirling equipment
- Fires and open flames
- Megaphones and airhorns
- Drones or any other remote control device
- Unauthorised solicitation and materials including handbills, flyers, stickers, beach balls, give-aways, samples, or other promotional items.
- Unofficial hi-viz and reflective jackets
- Any other item deemed by staff (in their discretion) to be dangerous or offensive or potentially dangerous.
Any persons found to be in possession of prohibited items will have those items confiscated and they will not be returned. Any persons found to be in possession of illegal substances or participating in illegal activities will be removed from the event and may be referred to the police.
How do you ensure KALOF events are safe for children and young people?
Northern Beaches Council is committed to safeguarding children and young people, and we adopt preventative and responsive systems and practices to protect children and young people from harm and abuse.
Child safety is considered for every KALOF event or program and staff are trained to identify and respond to children and young people at risk.
We involve children and young people in decision making; providing them with opportunities to participate and express their view on how we plan for, design and develop our services and activities.
Northern Beaches Council acknowledges that protecting the safety of children and young people is a whole of community responsibility and is everyone’s business.