Film Director black sketch short film festival

2019 Secret Inclusions

Contestants were required to incorporate the secret rule, at least 1 location, 2 phrases and 2 items into their film from the list below. They learned of these at the start of the competition weekend.

Secret rule: A character must sing a line of dialogue
Locations: Curl Curl Lagoon, Manly Corso, Long Reef Headland, Melwood Oval, Newport Beach
Items: Magnifying glass, alarm clock, newspaper, board game, camera, tomato, Christmas decorations, chopsticks

Watch the 2019 Secret Rules Film where all items, phrases, locations and rules have been included.

2019 Winners and Finalists

  • Best Film (Over 18), Best Script, Best Sound: Team UNSWA United with their film “Tim”
  • Best Film (Under 18), “Miller” Best Cinematography: Team CEN with their film “What You’ve Come to Expect”
  • Creativity & Originality Award, Innovation Award: Team EBIG Productions with their film “Honey I set the Planet on Fire”
  • Best Directing, People’s Choice Award: Team Jonah mac films with their film “CONNECTION”
  • Best Editing: Team ORION STUDIOS with their film “LAST ONE”
  • Junior Encouragement Award: Team DG with their film “Friend”
  • Best use of Items & Secret Rule: Team Inferno Productions with their film “What Remains”
  • Finalist: Team Stan Exclusive with their film “Sunset”
  • Finalist: Team Teamy Mcteamface with their film “Felix Baker and his Corpse”
  • Finalist: Team Idea Lab Films with their film “The Shift”
  • Best Male Actor Over 18: Joel in "Tim"
  • Best Female Actor Over 18: Jessica in "Honey I Set The Planet on Fire”
  • Best Male Actor Under 18: Ethan in "Felix Baker and his Corpse"
  • Best Female Actor Under 18: Sophia in "CONNECTION"

Watch all the 2019 finalist films

2019 Festival Sponsors       


Australian Film Television & Radio School

Camera Hire


Screen Actors Workshop

Tap Edit Go


Without the support of our wonderful sponsors the 24/7 Film Festival wouldn't be the event that it is today.

If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Northern Beaches Council Youth Team at