The Library strives to provide accessible and inclusive services for people with disabilities. Please contact us if you have feedback or suggestions about how the Library can be more inclusive.
Branch Access
To check for accessibility requirements to our branches such as lift access, please see our branch facility pages.
Home Library Service
For those unable to visit the library, the Home Library Service maintains a vital connection with all that the library offers. Home Library Service Officers can help you select items for reading or listening. Volunteers or staff will then deliver and collect your library items on a regular basis. Find out more about the Home Library Service here.
Large print and audio books
The Library catalogue contains records of all collection items. Some accessible formats include large print and audio books.
You can access most of the e-Library from anywhere, anytime using your own device. Our collection includes eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines, research databases and online tutorials.
Library website
We aim to ensure content on the Library website is accessible and complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. Please contact us if you encounter accessibility barriers on our website.
Northern Beaches Council Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Council has developed a Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) to create a more inclusive and accessible community for all residents and visitors to the Northern Beaches. More information about this and other accessible and inclusive facilities, services, actives and events across the Northern Beaches is available here.