Libby by OverDrive Magazines
Libby by OverDrive's collection now includes eMagazines. We have a large collection of popular titles that includes Forbes, Australian Women's Health, Popular Science, BBC History Revealed and more.
Access Libby by OverDrive magazines on your mobile device by downloading the Libby app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
Choice Online
Access thousands of independent and unbiased reviews, product tests, information and buying guides on products and services with Choice Online.
Choice Online is exclusively available on Northern Beaches Libraries PCs. As of 1 February 2023, at-home access has been discontinued.
Good Reading: The Home for Book Lovers
Read the latest digital edition of Good Reading: The Home for Book Lovers, an independent magazine that is published monthly, and access independent book reviews of all the latest books, interviews with authors, extracts, podcasts, recommendations for book clubs, book news and more.
Good Reading for Young Adults and Good Reading for Kids are exciting bi-monthly digital magazines that feature author interviews, independent book reviews, sneak peeks inside books, extracts and podcasts. You'll also find fun book related activities and teachers' notes to download.
National Geographic
Access the National Geographic Virtual Library, including National Geographic Magazine, National Geographic History, National Geographic Traveller and National Geographic Kids.
For help on getting started, please see our video tutorial.
Smithsonian Collections Online
Access Smithsonian Collections Online to discover the latest stories in history, archaeology, science, arts and culture with Smithsonian magazine, or explore topics in aviation and space with Air & Space magazine.
Log in to Smithsonian Collections Online with your Northern Beaches Library card.