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- Good Reading Hub - discover the popular monthly magazine Good Reading, as well as Good Reading for Young Adults and Good Reading for Kids, featuring exclusive articles, independent reviews, information about new books as well as old favourites, daily book news and podcasts.
- Read This Twice - browse verified book recommendations from famous faces such as Barack Obama, Elon Musk, Emma Watson and more.
- Fantastic Fiction - not sure which book by your favourite author you need to read next? This site has outstanding author bibliographies and series lists.
- Goodreads - the world’s biggest site for readers and book recommendations.
- Library Thing - catalogue your home library and connect to people who read what you do.
- Whichbook - make book choices based on search attributes such as plot shape, type of main character, the country the book is set in and more.
- Gale Books and Authors - a readers' advisory database for the discovery of books by author, genre and topic.