A group of people in a book club

Book Chats

Share your reading journey! Meet new people and talk about your favourite books and the latest reads. Drop in to our facilitated Book Chats for a welcoming and friendly discussion each month and pick from the selection of books we’ve chosen for that month’s theme.

Free, drop in.

  • Dee Why Library - First Thursday of the month, 2 - 3pm. April's theme: Travel stories. May's theme: Inspirational reading. 
  • Manly Library - Third Tuesday of the month, 10 - 11am. March's theme: Health and ageing. April's theme: Page to screen.
  • Mona Vale Library - First Friday of the month, 2 - 3pm. April's theme: Something magical. May's theme: True Crime.
  • Mona Vale Library - Third Friday of the month, 2 - 3pm. March's theme: Fire. April's theme: Who's counting?

Sci-fi Book Chat

Join a monthly meet up to chat all things science fiction with like-minded readers. For more information and book selection, see Sci-Fi Book Chat at Manly.

  • Manly Library - next meeting on Thursday 3 April, 6 - 7.30pm. April's book: All Systems Red: Book 1 in the The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells.

Register to get a reminder email.

Fantasy Book Chat

Join a monthly meet up to chat all things fantasy with like-minded readers. For more information and book selection, see Fantasy Book Chat at Manly.

  • Manly Library - Third Thursday of the month, 6 – 7.30pm. March's book: Blood Over Bright Haven by M. L. Wang.

Currently at capacity, join the waitlist.



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