The library subscribes to many high quality databases that you can access free, including 15 new databases from Gale, a wealth of resources that can help you with your study or general curiosity.
For news
Check out Gale OneFile News. This database provides access to more than 2,300 major world newspapers, including over 400 Australian newspapers. You can also access thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts with transcripts.
For books reviews and resources
Both the Gale Books & Authors database as well as the Literature Resource Centre, offer a large representation of authors and their work. Gale Books & Authors can help you find your next read and the Literature Resource Centre is best for those researching literature, it offers an in-depth collection of full-text critical and literary analysis.
For history
Calling all history buffs, we have two new databases that are perfect for you. Gale World History covers the most-studied events, cultures, civilizations and religions across the globe. If you're interested in researching someone in particular, Gale Biography can help. It provides over 650,00 biographical entries that cover a range of historic and preset day news-makers.
For general reference
Understand both sides of the story with Gale's Opposing Viewpoints, a database designed to present opposing views of prominent issues. If you would like to research a topic in-depth, check out Gale Global Issues. Or access the Gale OneFile: Australia and New Zealand database for comprehensive periodical content with a focus on Australia and New Zealand, complemented by global news, reference and multimedia coverage.
For health
Stay on top with all things health with Gale's Health and Wellness database. You can access full-text medical journals, magazines, reference works, multimedia and much more.
For science
Gale Science helps you understand hundreds of science topics and Gale Interactive Science, allows you to visualise those topics with 3D interactive models. You can also access Gale Environmental Studies which provides authoritative reference content in all areas of the environment.
We're also excited to offer both National Geographic virtual library and National Geographic Kids.