In times like these, there can be nothing better than a good book so we hope that your days at home have become a little brighter with a Library2U delivery.
If you have received a few deliveries or borrowed before our closure, you may be wondering what to do with all your items. To give you peace of mind, here are some helpful points to remember during the stay-at-home orders.
I received an email reminder from you, what do I do?
Our library system is super organised and eager to help you stay on top of your loans but there is no need for you to do anything. The courtesy reminders you receive from us are just that, a reminder.
What if my items become overdue?
The simple answer is, they won't. We will continue to extend due dates on all items (including book club kits, Read Now and Back in 10) while the libraries are closed.
What about overdue fees?
There is no need to worry about overdue fees as they have been paused. While we are closed, no fees will accrue.
How can I check my due dates?
There are two easy ways you can check your due dates - through the library app or your online account.
- Library app - Once downloaded from your devices's app store, log in using your library card number and pin (please note, if you haven't changed your pin it is likely to be the day and month of your birthday). Head to My Account from the app menu and then select Loans. You will see the due date under the title of your loaned item.
- Library account online - To access your account online, head here. Log in with your library card number and pin and your current loans will appear on your dashboard.
We want to thank the community for their support as we work through this time. If you have further questions, you can email us at library@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au.