Friday, 25 June 2021

To comply with the current NSW health orders, all library branches (including all community libraries) will be temporarily closed from 6pm tonight (Saturday 26 June) until further notice. 

Our staff are currently working on reinstating the Library2U service which will be back up and running by Thursday, 1 July. Our Home Library Service will also continue and will be offering an increased service for the most vulnerable in our community. 

Please keep an eye on our website for information regarding your current loans. We are working on extending all loans so no fees will be applied. 

Don't forget you can access our eLibrary 24/7, safely from home. There are thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines as well as movies and documentaries. We also have resources for children as well as pre-recorded Story Time sessions you can enjoy anytime. 

We thank the community for their cooperation as we all work together to reduce the spread of the virus.