Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Like the rest of Australia and all around the world, life on the Northern Beaches is changing as a result of the evolving situation with Coronavirus (COVID-19). We know this is a difficult time for our community so we have listed here the changes we have made and services we have implemented to make sure you can still access our services during this time. 

You can still join the library

You can still become a member of Northern Beaches Libraries and we encourage you to do so. You can join online and we will post your library card to you. You will need your library card to access our eLibrary so we will get your card to you as soon as possible. If you are under 16 and require parental consent, we will give your parent or guardian a quick call to confirm. 

You can still get books while staying home

Library members who live in the Northern Beaches Local Government Area can receive books at home thanks to our Library2U services. This means you can request library items online and when they're ready, we will deliver them to your door. 

If you would like to read something specific, you can use our Library2U Your Choice service. If you would like our talented team of librarians to pick your items for you, you can use our Library2U Librarian's Choice service

You can have your items for a little bit longer and there will be no fees

The loan period has been extended to six weeks and from Monday 23 March, the fee process changed meaning you will not accrue any additional overdue fees. 

If you borrowed items from Avalon Community Library prior to their closure, your items are not due back until the end of June. Rest assured we will extend this loan date if necessary. 

You will be able to return your items without leaving home

You can hang onto your current items and no overdue fees will be applied. 

Return chutes at all branches also remain open and are being cleaned and emptied regularly. Returned items are quarantined for five days before they go back into circulation.

We are still adding to our BorrowBox and Overdrive collections

Our eBook and eAudiobook platforms won't be going anywhere anytime soon so we've made sure there is heaps there for you to read and listen to. 

We've added many unlimited use titles on BorrowBox which means you can borrow them without waiting. Not only have we added unlimited use titles on Overdrive also, but we now have a collection of eMagazines and exercise videos. All you need is your library card.