Evacuating a building calmly and correctly can help save lives
The Emergency Management Plan for your building should contain instructions on how to evacuate as well as information about evacuation sites.
Keep in mind that other buildings around your own building may have nominated the same evacuation site. We recommend liaising with your neighbouring building's management to coordinate your evacuation plans.
Post-evacuation plan
After all of the occupants in your building have been evacuated safely, it is a good idea to have a post-evacuation plan in place.
In the event of a major evacuation, the official assembly areas may be very crowded, making it difficult to contact your employees, tenants or residents.
When you receive the all-clear to return to your building, how will you convey the information to your employees, tenants or residents, for example?
You may want to consider setting up an information phone line, an SMS facility or staff app for updates.
You can review the Northern Beaches Emergency Management Plan.
Prepare your building evacuation plan
- Have you developed a building evacuation plan?
- Does the evacuation plan cover any people with disability or who may need help to evacuate?
- Does the building have clearly marked exit signs and floor plans showing fire escapes?
- Are the doorways to the fire escape always clear of obstructions?
- Does the building have an evacuation alarm system – audio and visual?
- Does everyone in the building know what the alarm sounds/looks like and what they should do when they hear/see it?
- Do you have a main list of phone numbers for all residents, employees or tenants which is kept up-to-date?
- Have you set aside a safe area for people who need to be evacuated by emergency services staff?
- Have you put in place an accounting system to check who has left the building?
Remember: It is not enough to only develop a building evacuation plan. You are responsible for ensuring everyone is aware of it and rehearsing the plan on a regular basis, at least twice a year.