In 2019, Transport for NSW 2020 reported 6.5% of all crashes on Northern Beaches Council roads had a contributing factor of alcohol which is 2.4% higher than the Sydney region in 2019.
Drink Driving is still one of the top 3 contributing factors for crashes in the Northern Beaches.
What’s your Plan B?
Northern Beaches Council is encouraging residents to use Plan B and make a positive choice to get home safely after a night out. Plan ahead to get home safely after a night out – if you’ve been drinking, don’t drive.
Positive choices
The Plan B drink driving campaign is about making positive choices to get home safely after a night out, highlighting that driving is not an option.
Plan B takes a positive approach designed to engage the community about making alternative arrangements to get home after a night out. It suggests alternatives to driving including such ideas as:
- Plan ahead and arrange other transport
- Share a taxi
- Catch a bus
- Crash on a friends couch
- Ride with a driver who has not been drinking or taking drugs
- Arrange for a friend or relative to give you a lift
And don’t forget; getting back to zero might take all day. The only thing that will sober you up is time. Remember police mobile random breath testing and drug testing operations can happen anytime, anywhere.
The best way to make sure you’re not tempted to drive after a few drinks is to leave your car at home.
Promotion resources
Plan B posters, coasters, and bottle bags are provided to bottle shops, restaurants, pubs and clubs to discourage drink driving.
Drink and Drug Driving Penalties and License Sanctions
Drink Driving
Drink driving is a serious offence.
It is also an offence if you refuse to take a breath test. Penalties can include loss of licence, fines, prison terms and a requirement to install an alcohol interlock device.
Since 20 May 2019, a streamlined process that delivers swift and certain penalties applies to drivers who commit a first-time, lower-range drink-driving offence (which can include low, special and novice range drink-driving offences).
Drivers who commit a lower-range drink-driving offence for the first time will have their licence suspended immediately, effective for three months. This will be coupled with a significant fine (currently $581).
Drug Driving
Taking illegal drugs before driving puts you at greater risk of injuring or killing yourself, your friends or other innocent people. Transport for NSW research shows that the presence of illegal drugs is involved in around the same number of fatal crashes as drink driving.
The NSW Government takes a zero tolerance approach to drug driving, to stop drivers putting themselves and others at risk by getting behind the wheel after using drugs.
Mobile Drug Testing (MDT) detects the presence of four common illegal drugs: ecstasy, cannabis, cocaine and methamphetamine (including speed and ice)
You can also be charged with Driving under the Influence (DUI) of illegal or prescription drugs, if you are driving while affected by a drug.
Source: Centre for Road Safety Website which is part of Transport for NSW.