Reduce risks for a safer ride
Motorcycle riders are more exposed and risk serious injuries if they are in a crash. Transport for NSW Centre for Road Safety statistics show over the five-year period 2014 to 2018 (preliminary), 306 motorcyclists were killed and more than 12,100 hospitalised from injuries sustained in crashes on NSW roads.
Northern Beaches Council with support from Transport for NSW and motorcycle groups, want to promote safer riding and wearing of safe gear.

Motorcycle maintenance tips
It is important to have a road worthy motorcycle and to check your motorcycle to make sure it is maintained. These are some of the items to check over.
- tyres and tyre pressure
- lights and indicators
- chain tension
- chain lubrication
- brake pads
- engine oil
- brake fluid
- coolant level
- fork legs

How safe is your gear?
The right gear can greatly reduce the likelihood of permanent injuries from a crash and shorten hospital recovery times. With the right gear, you will enjoy a more comfortable ride, with less distraction, fatigue and dehydration.
Motorcycle helmets must comply with a minimum level of safety and are rated under Australia's Consumer Rating and Assessment of Safety Helmets. Ratings and results can be found on the CRASH website.
The independent Motorcycle Clothing Assessment Program (MotoCAP) tests jackets, pants and gloves using rigorous, scientific methods and provides ratings to help choose the right gear with the best protection and comfort.
Test your road safety skills
Take our quiz and find out how well you know the road rules. Start now
Motorcycle Crash Card
The motorcycle Crash Card is a small card that motorcyclists and their passengers can carry in their helmets. The card provides emergency service personnel with the rider’s personal information saving valuable time and assisting with treatment, especially if the rider is either unconscious or unable to communicate.
Northern Beaches Council supports the printing and distribution of The CRASH Card in our local government area. The CRASH Card has been produced in New South Wales by Hornsby Shire Council and is supported by NSW Ambulance, the NSW Police Force and Fire & Rescue NSW.
How does it work?
The rider completes the details on the card, and places it in the lining of their helmet. A red sticker is placed on the outside of the helmet to alert emergency services about the card within the helmet. Then in the case of an accident, emergency services can quickly identify firstly if there is a Crash Card inside the helmet, and then the motorcyclist and/or passenger's personal details.

Order a Crash Card
You can order a Crash Card free of charge online. Simply email roadsafety@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
You will receive a folder containing two cards, two stickers, and other helpful information about what to do in an accident.

Riding tips and resources
Road safety for motorcycle riders is also important.
Visit these resources for detailed riding tips and safety information to help motorcyclists stay safe on the roads:
More information
Please email roadsafety@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au or call 1300 434 434.