exhibition artworks

Cathe Stack, Connectivity: Country/Landscape, 2023 (exhibition installation detail). Courtesy the artist

MAG&M’s Collective for Environmental Art & Design (CEAD) consolidates our longstanding commitment to exploring the intersection between art, design, and the environment, creating an incubator for innovative programming, institutional collaboration, cultural engagement, and research.

As a proudly public gallery and museum, MAG&M is a shared space for connecting people, starting conversations, and co-creating. By bringing together dynamic communities and audiences, CEAD aims to be a space for interdisciplinary creativity that inspires real-world change.


Learn more about CEAD.

Simone Douglas, Another Ocean VI, 2022

Exhibitions & programs

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Seaweed Arboretum install


View our framework.

Guy Fredericks, Bleeding Hearts & Morning Glory, 2024

Sustainability statement

MAG&M's actions to a sustainable future.

Honor Freeman, Flood tide, 2012, slip cast, wheel-thrown and hand-built porcelain.  MAG&M Collection - Roger Pietri Bequest funds 2015