Simone Douglas - Another Ocean VI

Simone Douglas, Another Ocean VI, 2022 (image detail). Courtesy the artist

Public galleries and museums like MAG&M, as shared spaces, are ideally placed to bring together dynamic interdisciplinary communities and audiences to explore alternative viewpoints, new ideas, and ways of working to effect real-world change. As agents of change, artists and designers often lead reflection, innovation, and action on contemporary environmental issues.

CEAD will feature multi-year exhibitions and public programs using research-led programming, experimental initiatives, and audience and local community participation to grow the culture of sustainability. Artists, designers, traditional knowledge-holders, scientists, economists, psychologists, audiences, and local communities will be invited to add their voices through artistic participation, viewership, and creative activation.

CEAD Creators
The CEAD program and initiatives are guided by a group of voluntary Creators from the Arts, Design, and Environmental sectors, and staff. The current members are;

Julian Bickersteth, Founder and CEO of International Conservation Services
Lisa Cahill, CEO and Artistic Director, Australian Design Centre 
Julia Davis, multidisciplinary artist 
Paul Munro, Scientia Associate Professor in Human Geography within the Environment and Society Group, UNSW Sydney 
Jenny Newell AM, Curator for Climate Change at the Australian Museum's Climate Solutions Centre
Josephine Bennett, Manager Arts & Culture / Gallery Director
Jacqueline Grove, Manager, Environmental Sustainability & Climate Change, Northern Beaches Council