Vector sketch clapperboard and reel short film fest

2017 Secret Inclusions

Contestants were required to incorporate the secret rule, locations, phrases and items into their film. They learned of these at the start of the competition weekend.

Secret rule: Must include a sentence in a foreign language
Locations: Glen St Theatre Statues, Mona Vale Skate Park, Queenscliff Beach or Mosman Village Greene (include 1)
Items: Man bun, zoodles, map, fidget spinner, sewing machine, VCR player, polaroid camera, slinky (include 2)

2017 Winners

  • The Smile
    Best Film, Best Cinematography, Best U/18s Actor (Noah Dejean)
  • Beat to Beat
    Best Director, Best Sound, Best use of Items and Secret Rule
  • Survey
    Best Script, People's Choice Award, Best Male Actor (Joel Maguire)
  • Lock the Door
    Best Editing, Best Female Actor (Saane Dreyer)
  • Off Day
    Junior Encouragement Award
  • The Job
    Best Film Under 18