Works in other media in the MAG&M Collection
You can also view Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo's:
Portraits in oil | Landscapes in oil | Watercolours

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo, Portrait of Norah Simpson, 1915, charcoal on paper on cardboard 122 x 76cm.
Gift of the artist, 1940

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo, Idleness, conte and chalk on paper, 52 x 38cm
Gift of the artist, 1955

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo, Solitude, pastel on paper on cardboard, 35 x 46cm
Gift of the artist, 1955

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo, Old Woman, Charcoal and chalk on paper, 43 x 41cm
Gift of the artist, 1955

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo, Out of Danger, Charcoal, 71 x 111cm
Gift of the artist, 1940

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo, Cobblers, Charcoal, 71 x 56cm
Gift of the artist, 1940

Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, Perplexed, 1940, charcoal and chalk on paper, 66 x 51 cm
Gift of the artist, 1955

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo Meditation, Charcoal on paper, 61 x 51 cm
Gift of the artist,1940.

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo, A Quencher, Charcoal and chalk on paper, 56 x 45 cm
Gift of the artist,1940

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo, Untitled Bearded Man, Charcoal on paper, 56 x 42 cm
Gift of the artist, 1955

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo, Old Bill, Charcoal on paper, 51 x 40cm
Gift of the artist, 1955

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo, Portrait of an Old Man, 32 x 20cm, solvent wash, charcoal & pencil drawing. Gift of Pamela Thalben-Ball, daughter of Evelyn, 2009

Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, Untitled (portrait of a man), undated, chalk, charcoal on paper, 51 x 39cm. Gift of the artist 1955