Dattilo-Rubbo was fascinated by the ordinary person, the working man, the labourer, the tramp, the old man. His engagement with people is clearly demonstrated by his great love of portraiture, which he pursued throughout his life.
Explore Dattilo-Rubbo's watercolours from the MAG&M Collection.
You can also view Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo's:
Portraits in oil | Landscapes in oil | Works in various media

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo, Australian Aboriginal, watercolour on paper, 59 x 39cm
Gift of the artist, 1940

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo, An Australian Aboriginal, watercolour on paper, 42 x 34cm
Gift of the artist, 1940

Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, On the Wallaby Track, 1940, watercolour and pastel on paper, 80 x 61cm. Gift of the artist

Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, Head Study, watercolour on paper, 37 x 28cm
Gift of the artist, 1940

Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, An old scholar, watercolour on paper, 59 x 39 cm
Gift of the artist, 1940

Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, The carpenter, 1932, watercolour on paper, 59 x 39cm
Gift of the artist, 1940

Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, Jock, 1933, watercolour on paper, 59 x 38cm
Gift of the artist, 1940

Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, Pat, watercolour on paper, 55 x 37cm
Gift of the artist, 1940

Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, A Hawker, watercolour on paper, 56 x 40cm
Gift of the artist, 1940

Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, News, watercolour on paper, 58 x 54 cm
Gift of the artist, 1940

Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, Tim, a Labourer, 1947, watercolour on paper, 57 x 40cm
Gift of the artist, 1955

Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, The Fisherman's Wife, 51 x 37cm, watercolour on paper mounted on cardboard
Gift of the artist, 1955

Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo, Le vieux matelot, watercolour on paper, 52 x 39cm
Gift of the artist, 1955

Anthony Dattilo-Rubbo, Portrait of Old Man in Green Cap, watercolour on paper, 23 x 27cm. Gift of Pamela Thalben-Ball, daughter of Evelyn, 2009